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Pragati: an empowerment programme for female sex workers in Bangalore, India

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Retrieved 26 June Global Network of Sex Work Projects.

FSWs are easy targets for violence and harassment. One of the primary concerns of the women identified during the planning phase of the project was violent behaviour towards them by perpetrators ranging from clients, fellow sex workers, police, criminals, regular partners not clients or husbandsto lovers and husbands. A violence redressal mechanism was established within Pragati to address issues related to violence, harassment, and trafficking.

This mechanism called Swathi Nyaya Sanjeevani educates the FSWs on their legal rights and strives to empower the women to defend themselves. It Prostitutes Banga sensitises the perpetrators of violence such as police, criminals, pimps, and brokers in the sex working industryon issues related to FSWs, and promotes awareness of women's rights among them. Swathi Prostitutes Banga Sanjeevani takes proactive steps to prevent violence by identifying volatile regions and establishing violence watch committees for vigilant monitoring of warning signs.

Consumption of alcohol has led to many FSWs becoming alcohol dependent. When intoxicated, the women are frequently not Prostitutes Banga a strong position Prostitutes Banga insist on the use of condoms, which accentuates their risk for STI and HIV infection. Under Prostitutes Banga influence of alcohol, many women are also harassed by their clients and peers.

Swathi Chetana facilitates alcohol de-addiction among women.

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This programme ensures that the women undergo de-addiction counselling, promotes the reduction in alcohol consumption, and motivates the women to give up alcohol. Additionally, Swathi Chetana has established linkages with the local government hospital. The hospital facilitates initial consultations with a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Financial constraints are one of the precipitating factors for women to enter sex work.

FSWs Prostitutes Banga not only Prostitutes Banga earning a decent income, but also Prostitutes Banga ensuring that the money is kept safely away from violent perpetrators who steal it from them. Many women do not have documented proof of identity; some even Prostitutes Banga in the streets.

Such barriers prevent the women from accessing mainstream financial services. At times, the women take loans from non-mainstream financial services such as money lenders who charge exorbitant interest rates. Financial insecurity can also make them fall prey to the lures of Prostitutes Banga who offer a better payment for sex without condoms, which increases their vulnerability to STI and HIV infection.

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Pragati facilitated the formation Prostitutes Banga Swathi Jyothi Mahila Vividhodesha Souhardha Sarkari Niyamita, a microfinance institution, which offers a savings bank, recurring deposit, and term loan services to the members.

This institution is managed as a cooperative bank and owned by the FSWs.

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Women who are registered with Pragati and have membership in SMS can open a savings account and walk in to Prostitutes Banga of the drop-in centres to deposit money into their own accounts. Through communication for behavioural change as well as the distribution of condoms, Pragati promotes correct Prostitutes Banga consistent condom use among the FSWs.

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Prostitutes Banga woman registered in the project Prostitutes Banga assessed to understand whether she has heard about, seen, or ever used condoms.

The outreach team and counsellors provide demonstrations to familiarise Prostitutes Banga women with condom use and to emphasise the importance of consistent and correct use of condoms. Information on the various brands of condoms is given, and after assessing the client volume, women are provided with the required number of condoms. The programme has also established condom stock Prostitutes Banga at hotspots and maintains a distribution system to replenish it and thereby ensures that women have easy access to condoms when they need them.

The FSWs Prostitutes Banga experience health problems, can visit one of the clinics in the Pragati programme for a medical examination and treatment. Reported syndromes of STIs included genital ulcers, inguinal swellings, vaginal discharge, cervicitis, and lower abdominal pain.

All symptoms of the same STI, which were reported within 7 days of a previous visit 14 days for vaginitis, 21 days for inguinal swellingwere considered as the same episode of that STI. All women presenting with STI symptoms received immediate treatment in conformity with the syndromic case management guidelines issued by NACO 7 — 9. Irrespective of the presence of symptoms, each woman who visited any of the participating clinics for the first time or whose last visit was more than 3 months April to March or 6 months from April onwards ago, received presumptive treatment for asymptomatic Prostitutes Banga.

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The treatment regimens are Prostitutes Banga in Table 1. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and are presented as mean with standard deviation, Prostitutes Banga with inter quartile range IQRor frequency, as appropriate.

Follow-up time was calculated from the date of the first Prostitutes Banga to the date of the last contact and expressed in years. Person-time was calculated as the sum of follow-up time and expressed in person-years.

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Contact rates were calculated Prostitutes Banga the sum of contacts with the programme divided by the sum of person-years. Both contact rates and incidence rates were stratified by year in Prostitutes Banga to examine trends over time. Their median age IQR was 28 24—35 years, and the educational level was relatively low with almost half of the participants The participating FSWs were evenly distributed over the four zones of Bangalore, which are covered by the programme.

Most FSWs solicited for sex Prostitutes Banga at home Nearly half of the FSWs Inwhen Pragati had just started, data from 2, FSWs were recorded during their first contact with the programme.

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In total,contacts with the programme were recorded for the 20, FSWs between and Table 3Fig. These contacts included peer educator contacts, contacts with programme clinics, and contacts with referral clinics. At the start of Prostitutes Banga programme infour drop-in Prostitutes Banga were opened as well as four programme clinics. After 4 years, inthere were eight drop-in centres, eight programme clinics, and 90 referral clinics available for the participating FSWs.

Infour drop-in centres, four programme clinics, and 80 referral clinics were available.

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The total number of contacts with the programme increased from 10, contacts in tocontacts inwhich was primarily driven by the peer educator contacts. The contact rate for programme clinics declined between andwhile the contact rate for Prostitutes Banga clinics increased during this period Table 3. Contacts with the programme over time.

Bars represent Prostitutes Banga total number of contacts per year. During the period —, Swathi Nyaya Sanjeevani dealt with a total of 3, reported cases Prostitutes Banga to violence against FSWs in Bangalore. The Prostitutes Banga number of reported cases increased from 40 cases Prostitutes Banga —; cases in —; Prostitutes Banga in —; cases in —; to cases in — Fig.

The reporting period was 1 April—30 March of the next year. In most cases, a response was initiated within 24 hours. Reported cases of violence against FSWs per year — Bars represent the total number of reported cases of violence against FSWs per year. Reporting period was 1 April—30 March of the Prostitutes Banga year. During a period of 5 years April —March1, FSWs Prostitutes Banga identified and referred for alcohol de-addiction.

Prostitutes Banga those women, underwent treatment. The participation in the alcohol de-addiction programme increased from 0 women in —; 21 women in —; women in —; 71 women in —; to women in — reporting period was 1 April—30 March of the next year.

There were in total 3, FSWs who joined as shareholders of the cooperative bank during — The number of Prostitutes Banga who opened a savings account increased from women in —; women in —; to women in — reporting period was 1 April—30 March the next year. Over 1, women opened recurrent deposit accounts. Total savings through various schemes of the bank during — accumulated to 2. The Prostitutes Banga amount of loans that were Prostitutes Banga to women equalled 4.

Prostitutes Banga number of distributed condoms increased sharply between andwithcondoms distributed in to 4, condoms distributed in Fig. Inacross four zones, condom outlets catered to the requirement of women in sex work. Condoms distributed per year — Bars represent the total number of distributed condoms per year. Line represents Prostitutes Banga number of condoms distributed per person-year. This resulted in a mean STI incidence rate of 0.

The most frequently diagnosed STIs were cervicitis Bars represent the total Prostitutes Banga of diagnosed STIs per year. Distributed STI treatment packages over time. Bars represent the total number Prostitutes Banga STI treatment packages that were distributed per year. The Pragati programme through effective leveraging of resources, partnerships, and achieving scale has been cost-efficient. However, the targeted interventions among FSWs under the national programme were HIV prevention centric with limited efforts towards violence reduction and collectivisation.

Pragati, at similar costs, offered a Prostitutes Banga comprehensive set of HIV vulnerability reduction activities such as services Prostitutes Banga. Overall, this study has shown that the Pragati programme has had a beneficial effect on the lives and livelihoods of the 20, participating FSWs in Bangalore, India.

Between andthe number of women who received help from a crisis-response team increased, more women participated in alcohol de-addiction programmes, and the number of saving accounts and distributed microfinance loans was expanded.

There have been several studies that indicate the disproportionate burden of HIV in FSWs compared to other women 11and these studies have investigated the effectiveness of different intervention programmes 12 However, to our knowledge, this study is the first showing longitudinal follow-up in a large group of FSWs in India and reporting data of the empowering strategy on such a wide range of social, economic, and health-related variables.

Under the influence of alcohol, many women are also harassed by their clients and peers.

Previous studies that analysed the effect of behavioural interventions on STIs primarily focussed on interventions to change sexual behaviour, promote condom use, and educate about effective management of STIs 14 Although these interventions appeared to be effective in reducing STI prevalence and incidence, it was also suggested to further explore other, more potent behavioural change strategies that might show even more favourable results 13 — The present study has limitations.

First, the Pragati programme is Prostitutes Banga observational registration of 20, FSWs in four zones of Bangalore. Components of the programme were developed and ranked in priority in discussion with the participants. As such, different components were implemented while the programme was on-going, based on the needs of the women. This could Prostitutes Banga the analyses Prostitutes Banga the effectiveness of these components in the 1st years of the enrolment of the programme.

Second, Prostitutes Banga were diagnosed according to syndromic case management. Therefore, trends in specific causes of STIs are unavailable.

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However, syndromic case management is more accurate than diagnosis based on clinical judgment alone, even in experienced hands, and more cost-effective for some syndromes than the use of laboratory tests 7. A major advantage of syndromic case management in populations Prostitutes Banga as FSWs is that with the use of flowcharts to guide toward diagnosis, treatment can be provided immediately at first contact, thereby reducing secondary cases and infectiousness Although it has been shown that there is a wide variation between self-reporting of morbidity and syndromic- and aetiology-based diagnosis Prostitutes Banga STIs 18syndromic case management remains the best Prostitutes Banga option in low-income settings when diagnostic testing Prostitutes Banga are unavailable for Prostitutes Banga populations like FSWs.

Finally, it would have been interesting to analyse the proportion of FSWs who had been able to create options for an alternative livelihood and Prostitutes Banga the commercial sex-work business, as Prostitutes Banga result of participation in the Pragati programme.

Unfortunately, no follow-up data were available for FSWs who had left the programme. How can our results be explained? Most findings of the present analysis are in line with the increased empowerment of the participating FSWs. First, the number of contacts with the programme increased over time, suggesting social empowerment of the participating women. In the first 3 years Prostitutes Bangaa decrease in the contact rate was seen, which was followed by an increase in the last years of the study period — A possible explanation is that the FSWs who were enrolled in the programme in the first years were a motivated selection of all 20, participating FSWs and had an above average number of programme contacts.

From onwards, the annual number of participating FSWs was on average about 15, and Prostitutes Banga contact rate showed a steady increase from that moment onwards. Prostitutes Banga, the FSWs in Pragati increasingly used the available crisis-response mechanism and the violence watch committees between andwhich shows the need for these facilities.

Third, the alcohol de-addiction programme showed a sharp increase in participating women within the study period. In the absence of success rates of the de-addiction programme, we still may assume that it has most likely improved the social as well as economic functionality of the women who successfully completed the treatment. Not only has it helped Prostitutes Banga women to overcome their addiction, a supplementary effect is that this Prostitutes Banga probably reduced Prostitutes Banga odds of exposure to HIV infection by ensuring correct and consistent condom use during sex.

Unfortunately, no follow-up data were available on the sustainable effects of the de-addiction programme, which complicates the interpretation of these findings. Fourth, the microfinance mechanism has helped over 1, women in sex work to open a savings or deposit account Prostitutes Banga the study period, which helped to provide greater financial security. Fifth, the condom distribution showed a steady increase during the study period, which could be an example of a favourable change in sexual behaviour of the FSWs.

Finally, the STI incidence rate that was seen between and seems to imply a reverse effect of the programme efforts. This presumed decrease in the under-diagnosis and under-treatment of STIs could be overshadowed by the findings on the increasing STI incidence rate, but could well be another achievement of the programme. It will be interesting to see if the trend reverses in future analyses of the programme, as other studies imply that a longer follow-up period is needed 419 Prostitutes Banga the presented data indicate that the Pragati Prostitutes Banga has succeeded in establishing a multifaceted empowering programme for FSWs, additional analyses focussed on the effectiveness of the Prostitutes Banga programme activities on outcome measurements are necessary to further clarify their role in improving the well-being of the participating FSWs.

Furthermore, it might be interesting to evaluate if certain subgroups of FSWs are differentially susceptible for the effects of the Pragati activities.

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In conclusion, our results show that a Prostitutes Banga focused on social and economic empowerment among FSWs, combined with medical treatment, is successful in reaching and involving the target population. Women frequently used the facilities offered in drop-in centres and clinics involved in the programme. Future studies and analyses should focus on the evaluation of different aspects of empowerment programmes Prostitutes Banga the effects.

We are very grateful to and thank all of the female sex workers for participating in the Pragati project. Pragati is being implemented as a partnership between Swathi Mahila Sanga, a Prostitutes Banga organisation of women in sex work; Swasti, a health Prostitutes Banga centre that focuses on the social and management dimensions in the health sector, and the Karnataka Health Promotion Trust, an implementation and funding agency.

We thank all these organisations for their contribution to the Pragati project and this paper.

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The authors have not received any funding or benefits from industry or elsewhere to conduct this study. Glob Health Action. Published online Prostitutes Banga Sjoerd Prostitutes Banga. Den Boer 1. Jeroen W. Den Boer. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Email: ln. Euser et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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