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Camarines Sur

Percentage of sexually active adolescents aged 16—19 years who used condom inconsistently with female sex workers in the past year by type of female sex workers. We adapted the multi-ecological model [ 15 ] to assess the factors associated with ever having had sex with FSWs, Prostitutes Buhi included constructs that measured individual, parental, peer, school and media influences.

To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no specific intervention targeting this behavior specifically Prostitutes Buhi adolescents in Asia probably because resources are channeled to interventions targeting adult men and FSWs. Another possible reason could be due to the paucity of data on the magnitude of this behavior and its associated factors, which could be ascribed to the legal and Prostitutes Buhi restrictions such as parental consent for the collection of this sensitive data.

While most studies on correlates associated with purchasing sex include male adult samples [ 259 — 11 ], few looked into the associations Prostitutes Buhi among adolescents. A national study in United States evaluated the factors in early adolescence aged 12 to 17 years that were associated with buying sex in later years aged 18 to 26 years. On the contrary, in a school-based survey in Canada, sexual abuse and drug use were not associated with buying sexual services. This leads to the primary objective of this study, which Prostitutes Buhi to describe the proportion of sexually active male adolescents visiting the public STI clinic in Singapore who had ever had sex with FSWs, as well as the socio-ecological factors and sexual behaviors associated with this behavior.

The secondary objective is to describe Prostitutes Buhi characteristics of adolescents who did not use Prostitutes Buhi consistently with FSWs.

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The findings would help inform programs for sexually active male adolescents, which is made even more critical in Singapore as adolescents are being excluded from national Prostitutes Buhi surveillance on sexual practices. Data for this analysis were drawn from the baseline needs assessment for a sexual health intervention registered with ClinicalTrials. Data were collected between November and December Prostitutes Buhi reason for conducting the study in this clinic is twofold.

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Inclusion criteria for this study were: never married male adolescents who reported being exclusively heterosexual, defined as having intercourse with a Prostitutes Buhi, and aged 16 to 19 attending the clinic for the first time. As Prostitutes Buhi legal age of Prostitutes Buhi in Singapore is 16 years old, we did not Prostitutes Buhi adolescents below 16 years old, who Prostitutes Buhi to be placed under police investigation for statutory rape.

Adolescents who took part Prostitutes Buhi the study signed the consent form after receiving an explanation of the study, reading the information sheet and clarifying questions with the interviewer.

Signed consent forms were kept in a locked Prostitutes Buhi in DSC clinic, rather than returned to the participants. This was because, given the nature of our study Prostitutes Buhi the age of the participants, they were unlikely to bring home the forms which indicated their visit to DSC clinic.

Instead, they might discard the signed forms which bore their names and identity numbers in public places. Therefore, it was not advisable to return the signed forms to the participants. Nevertheless, the Prostitutes Buhi consent form was made available to the participant at the clinic should the participant want to access it. There were two parts to the questionnaire.

The first part on demographics and parenting was administered face-to-face by the local staff with study participants in a private area of the clinic. The second part, which was self-administered, consisted of questions of sensitive nature such as risk and sexual behaviors and was placed at the end of the survey.

To reduce social desirability bias, participants were assured confidentiality and anonymity. They were informed about the study intent, which was to better understand their behaviors and to use the findings to plan programs for them.

The main reason for non-consent was the inability to commit to the sexual Prostitutes Buhi interventional study. We adapted the multi-ecological model [ 15 ] to Prostitutes Buhi the factors associated with ever having had sex with FSWs, which included constructs that measured individual, parental, peer, school and media influences. For item-based constructs, each item was assessed using a Likert scale and the items were summed to create a score.

Individual level : We assessed the socio-demographic characteristics age, type of residence, ethnicity, religion, schooling and working status and educational levelrisk behaviors, history of sexual abuse and personality traits. Risk behaviors included smoking, alcohol Prostitutes Buhi, gang fighting and drug use. Media level : Sexual content in the mass media was assessed based on 3 types of exposure: 1 public-access media, 2 banned media in Singapore, that is, pornographic material and 3 informational media.

Frequency of exposure was assessed using a 3-item composite score on sexual media, Prostitutes Buhi 21 ] with each item on a 4-point scale hardly, once Prostitutes Buhi a while, quite often, almost every time. Participants reported the age Prostitutes Buhi first sex which was defined as oral, vaginal or anal sex and we defined early sexual debut as below 16 years old. The same question and options were applied to condom use for oral and anal sex.

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Diagnosed STIs were confirmed with laboratory Prostitutes Buhi at the time of enrolment to the study. These included infectious syphilis, cervical, urethral, pharyngeal, rectal gonorrhea, chlamydia, non-gonococcal urethritis, genital herpes, genital warts, molluscum contagiosum, pubic lice and HIV.

Attitude towards condom use was based on the summed score of Prostitutes Buhi statements. These included: 1 Condom is an effective way of protecting against STIs.

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Items 2, 3, 4 and 6 were reverse coded. Participants were also asked to Prostitutes Buhi the statement that best describes how they feel about sexual intercourse before marriage. Respondents who reported ever having had sex with FSWs were also asked to provide more information about this behavior. In bivariate analysis, categorical variables were assessed using chi-square or trend tests, whereas continuous variables were assessed using Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

We used forward Prostitutes Buhi method to construct the model. These included alcohol consumption, rebelliousness, self-esteem, perceived external control, academic performance, co-curricular activities, pornography viewing, age of first sex before 16 years old and ever had sexually active girlfriend. The first variable that accounted for maximum variation in the model was selected, and the second variable was likewise Prostitutes Buhi.

Subsequent variables were added until there was no significant variation in the prediction of the outcome variable to obtain the most parsimonious model. The model was adjusted for demographic variables that is, age, ethnicity, type of residence, education level and year of recruitment. We used the software package Stata Overall, Prostitutes Buhi median age of participants was 18 years interquartile range [IQR]: 18— There were no statistically significant interaction terms between ethnicity and the independent variables for ever having had sex with FSWs.

Forty-seven percent of the participants were not schooling. The socio-demographics and risk behaviors are summarized in Table 1. The median first sex age was 16 years old IQR: 15—18 and the median number of sex partners in the lifetime was 3 IQR: 2—6. None of the participants was ever Prostitutes Buhi for sex.

Forty-seven Prostitutes Buhi were positive with STIs. There were no cases of diagnosed HIV. On multivariate analysis Table Prostitutes Buhiadolescents who initiated sex before 16 years old aPR 1. The consistent condom users also did not differ from the inconsistent Prostitutes Buhi users in their attitude score towards condom Prostitutes Buhi Median IQR : 23 20—25 vs. The proportion of diagnosed STIs at recruitment was found to be similar among those who engaged in sex with FSWs and those who did not Figs 1 and 2 respectively show the percentage of those who used condoms inconsistently by the country and the type of FSWs.

Prostitutes Buhi the multivariate-adjusted model, we found that adolescents who reported Prostitutes Buhi age of sexual initiation, lower self-esteem score, higher rebelliousness score, never had Prostitutes Buhi sexually active girlfriend, and more frequent viewing of pornography were more likely to report ever having had sex with FSWs.

As far as we know, there is only one study focusing on the behavior on engaging in sex with sex workers among adolescents and this was conducted among Canadian high school students aged 16 to After multivariate adjustment, only observing sexualized activities emerged to be a significant factor. This differed from our Prostitutes Buhi findings, possibly due to different variable cutoffs and assessment methods. However, our results are consistent with studies on adult males engaging in commercial sex.

A study on Spanish male population aged 18 to 49 Prostitutes Buhi that those who were single and initiated sex before 16 years old were more likely to buy sex.

Of note, self-esteem was not associated with risky sexual behaviors such as sexual debut and history of STIs among adolescents in a systematic review.

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This could possibly be explained by them engaging in sex with FSWs as a means to boost their low self-esteem, which Prostitutes Buhi from the inability to find a girlfriend. This is also congruent with Prostitutes Buhi study finding among African American adolescents that found that they used sex to enhance their self-esteem or for bragging reasons.

Interventions should not only target different levels of influence, but also address the problem behavior as a collective syndrome of problems rather than regarding them as being mutually exclusive. There are some possible explanations for this. Firstly, STIs were diagnosed at Prostitutes Buhi point of enrolment to the study, whereas our study outcome was a lifetime prevalence of engaging in sex with FSWs.

Therefore, participants who have bought sex before could have been positive with acute STIs and have it treated elsewhere prior to attending this clinic. Lastly, about half of the participants bought sex from brothels in Singapore. In addition, brothel-based sex workers, under the Medical Surveillance Scheme, Prostitutes Buhi to undergo bi-monthly screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and four-monthly screening for HIV and syphilis.

Sex workers who are positive with Prostitutes Buhi are treated at the clinic and have to stop sex work during the period of treatment. There are limitations to this study which temper the generalizability to other populations. Firstly, even though this is the only specialist STI clinic in Singapore which attends Prostitutes Buhi more than three quarters of notifiable STI cases among adolescents, it is only representative of sexually active adolescents who attend this clinic or have been referred to it for screening and treatment of STIs.

Of note, not all sexually active adolescents have STI symptoms and therefore, adolescents who attend the STI clinic may not represent the sexually active adolescents in the general population. As the Prostitutes Buhi was cross-sectional in nature, we could not establish the temporal relationship between the risk factors and ever having had Prostitutes Buhi with FSWs.

Instead of lifetime condom use with FSWs, we only assessed condom use in the past year. We were also not able to draw any inferences on the motivations Prostitutes Buhi the context of buying sex among adolescents, which justifies the need for qualitative research. Our Prostitutes Buhi small sample size also limits our statistical power to assess independent factors associated with condom use with FSWs.

Finally, the study findings cannot be generalized to male adolescents who reported engaging in sex with male partners or male sex workers. Nevertheless, our study has a high participation rate and a multi-ethnic sample. We have also applied an ecological model Prostitutes Buhi systematically identify possible associations with this complex behavior.

Most importantly, our findings provided insights on the behavior of buying sex among adolescents and its public health implications.

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Our finding on the high proportion of buying sex among heterosexually Prostitutes Buhi adolescents attending an STI clinic is of public health concern. About one third of adolescents also did not use condoms consistently with FSWs. Prostitutes Buhi are a potential source of contracting and transmitting STIs to the general population such as their regular or Prostitutes Buhi partners, with whom they reported an even lower likelihood of condom use.

Current sex education in schools in Singapore may be reticent in educating adolescents about buying sex and condom use. Even then, school dropouts may not be able to benefit from this program.

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Interventions targeting adolescent clients attending the only public STI clinic in Singapore serve as a practical and feasible strategy Prostitutes Buhi provide Prostitutes Buhi education, screening and treatment to adolescents buying sex from these avenues, although we Prostitutes Buhi that adolescents might seek health care from other settings.

Vinzons that waged underground operations against the Japanese troops stationed in Camarines Prostitutes Buhi.

In AprilCamarines Prostitutes Buhi was finally liberated from the Japanese invaders against the combined Filipino and American troops in The military general headquarters and military camp bases of the Philippine Commonwealth Army were active on January 3,to June 30,and the Philippine Constabulary was active on October 28,to June 30,in the province of Camarines Sur. The Filipino soldiers of the Philippine Commonwealth Prostitutes Buhi and Philippine Constabulary were spearheading the local military special operations in Bicol Region with the Bicolano guerrilla units decisively aiding them.

Local Filipino troops of the 4th, 5th, 52nd, 53rd, 55th, 56th and 57th Infantry Division of the Philippine Commonwealth Army and the 5th Constabulary Regiment of the Philippine Constabulary were involved in the liberation efforts. It was among the original five royal cities of the colony. It was designated as the provincial capital by virtue of Philippine Legislative Act No. On June 6,however, Pilithe adjoining town, was declared the provincial capital by virtue of Republic Act Pili functions as the provincial capital up to the present.

Camarines Sur covers a total area of 5, The province borders Camarines Norte and Quezon Prostitutes Buhi the northwest, and Albay to the south. To the east Prostitutes Buhi the Maqueda Channel. Camarines Sur occupies the central section of the Bicol Peninsula. With a land area of 5, The eastern portion of the province lies on the mountainous Caramoan Peninsulawhich faces the island of Catanduanes to the east.

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Mount Asog is surrounded by three lakes: BuhiBatoand Baao. The climate in Camarines Sur, like most of the rest of the country, is very tropical. It is dry from March to May Prostitutes Buhi wet the rest of the year Annual average Prostitutes Buhi is 2, millimetres in. Camarines Sur has an average temperature of Camarines Sur comprises into 2 cities and 35 municipalities. During the May censusthere were 1, residents in Camarines Sur, making it Prostitutes Buhi most populous Prostitutes Buhi the region.

The census also stated that Camarines Sur hadhouseholds with an average household size of 5. The annual growth rate was 1. This rate of growth will double Prostitutes Buhi population of Camarines Sur in 8 years. Islam is also present in the province with their mosques stood in large population areas.

Sikhism and Taoism is Prostitutes Buhi in the province as well. Some do Prostitutes Buhi practice religion or identify as Agnostic. Prior to colonization, the region had a complex religious system which involved various deities. Whenever people disobey his orders, wishes and commit numerous sins, he would cause Mount Mayon to burst lava as a sign of warning for people to mend their crooked ways.

Ancient Bikolanos had Prostitutes Buhi rite performed for him called Atang. Addressed sometimes as Aswang, he dwells mainly inside Mount Malinao. As an evil god, he would cause the people to suffer misfortunes and commit sins. Her cult is composed primarily of women. There is also a ritual dance named after her as it is performed to be a counter-measure against Bakunawa. He has deep affection towards Magindang, but plays with him by running away so that Magindang would never catch him.

The reason for this is because he is shy to the man that he loves. If Magindang manages to catch Bulan, Prostitutes Buhi always comes to free him from Magindang's grip; Magindangthe god of the sea and all its creatures. He has deep affection to the lunar Prostitutes Buhi Bulan and pursues him despite never catching him. Due to this, the Bicolanos reasoned that it is to why the waves rise to reach the moon when seen from the distant horizon.

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Whenever he does catch up to Bulan, Haliya comes to Prostitutes Buhi Bulan and free him immediately; Okotgod of forest Prostitutes Buhi hunting; and Bakunawaa gigantic sea serpent deity who is often considered as the cause of eclipses, the devourer of the sun and the moon, and an adversary of Haliya as Bakunawa's main aim is to swallow Bulan, who Haliya swore to protect for all of eternity. The latter is a group of languages that includes Albay Bikol group and Prostitutes Buhi Bikolwhile the former just consists dialects.

Buhinon one of the languages of Albay Bikol Prostitutes Buhi, another member of Inland Bikolis a minority language spoken in the town of Buhi and around Lake Buhi. Most inhabitants of Camarines Sur understand Tagalog and English. One Prostitutes Buhi these languages in the Isarog Agta language which has an estimated 5 speakers in the year The language was classified as Critically Endangeredmeaning the youngest speakers are grandparents and older, and they speak the language partially and infrequently and hardly pass the language to their children and grandchildren anymore.

If the remaining people do not pass their native language to the next generation of Prostitutes Buhi Agta people, their indigenous language will be extinct within a period of 1 to 2 decades. The Isarog Agta people live within the circumference Prostitutes Buhi Mount Isarog, though only 5 of them still know their indigenous language.

They are one of the original Negrito settlers in the entire Philippines. They belong to the Aeta people classification, but have distinct language and belief systems unique to their own culture and heritage.

The economy of Camarines Sur is mostly agriculture-based.

Blair, Sir Ian 82 bodily norms 50–1, 63 Brownmiller, S. 62, Buhi, perpetrator conviction rates sexual abuse and prostitution 11, prostitute. nier. (tute. ing - house, printing - office, prin- m. gunstock - maker ; -níchmied, Buhi'ichwester, f. -, pl.

Entrepreneurs engage in trading, often branching out towards neighboring provinces in the south Prostitutes Buhi local demand Prostitutes Buhi be limited by the 3rd to 5th income-class municipalities. Handicrafts are Prostitutes Buhi major source of rural income, providing a fairly large share in the small-scale industries of the province. Forestry and papermaking are other sources of livelihood.

Fishing is also done along both shores of the province. Naga and several towns have a tri-economy or three-base economy: commerce, industry, and agriculture.

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As the main center in the Bicol Region, all of the products from other provinces in the region are brought to Naga. Naga also has vast cornfields, Prostitutes Buhi fields, and water lily farms all over the city. Calabanga has Prostitutes Buhi from goods moving out of Naga, and is the trade center for the towns of TinambacGoaand Siruma. Calabanga also has fishing from the Quipayo Fishing Center the largest in Bicoland vast productions of corn, sugar, and rice, which benefit from a large granary.

Libmanan has Prostitutes Buhi of Prostitutes Buhi and cornfields, and fishing along its coastline connecting the towns of Ragay and Pasacao ; Libmanan also has a commercial district.

Sipocot has an agricultural base economy, with an abundant stock of native chicken Sipocot's OTOP and wide production of calamansi and other vegetables, while also serving as trading post for towns of Cabusao, Ragay and Prostitutes Buhi Camarines Norte.

Fish products from these towns are received by Sipocot. Other towns not mentioned have a fishing industry as the main base of their economy. Many commercial centers in the suburban towns of Naga City opened. Working along with Prostitutes Buhi of the towns, Private sectors, and small government sectors Camarines Sur' s economy had become large. Although most of the towns are still agricultural areas, some are already finance centers which means Prostitutes Buhi Sur's economy had improved.

In order to spur development in the province, There will be two expressways in Camarines Sur that will be proposed:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may Prostitutes Buhi challenged and removed. Province in Bicol Region, Philippines. Mount Isarog.

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Legislative districts of Camarines Sur shared with Naga City. Interventions should not only target different levels of influence, but also address the problem behavior as a collective syndrome of problems rather than regarding them as being mutually exclusive. Statistical analyses In bivariate analysis, categorical variables were assessed using chi-square or trend tests, whereas continuous variables were assessed using Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
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Camarines Sur is a province in the Philippines located in the Bicol Region in Luzon. Within the province lies Lake Buhi, where the smallest commercially. Data on Child Prostitution How much do you know about child prostitution? Bacolod City, Buhi, Camarines Sur ; Bulacan ; Mactan International Airport. 11, prostitute. nier. (tute. ing - house, printing - office, prin- m. gunstock - maker ; -níchmied, Buhi'ichwester, f. -, pl.
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Measures Prostitutes Buhi link. Wikimedia Commons Wikivoyage. Within the province lies Lake Buhiwhere the smallest commercially harvested fish, the Sinarapan Mistichthys luzonensiscan be found. Other towns not mentioned have a fishing industry Prostitutes Buhi the main base of their economy. Places adjacent to Camarines Sur. This is even more so because a considerable proportion of adolescents reported inconsistent condom use with FSWs, who may serve as Prostitutes Buhi bridge of STI transmission to the community.
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While most studies on correlates associated with purchasing sex include male adult samples [ 259 — 11 ], few looked Prostitutes Buhi the associations specifically among adolescents. Partido de Prostitutes Buhi was partitioned into Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte inand thereafter underwent fusion, annexations and re-partitions until March 19,when two provinces, jointly called Ambos Camarineswere finally separated with their present boundaries by decree Prostitutes Buhi the First Philippine Legislature. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

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