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A cabinet member, an incumbent official, a movie star, a basketball player, or a conspicuous clown enjoys an unfair advantage over a candidate many times better qualified but lesser known. ComelecL, Oct. The Election Code fixes a maximum limit for all candidates, Prostitutes Molave or poor alike; it does not say that the rich candidate shall spend only the same amount as the poor candidates can afford.

The fears and apprehensions of petitioner concerning his liberty of expression in these two cases, Prostitutes Molave the less stringent balancing -of-interests criterion, Prostitutes Molave far outweighed by the all important substantive interests of the State Prostitutes Molave preserve the purity of the ballot and to render more meaningful and real the guarantee of the equal protection of the laws. In the fairly recent case of Sanidad vs. Commission on Elections, 5 this Court sustained, in effect, the validity of Section 11 b of R.

However, it is clear from Act. IX-C of the Constitution that what was granted to the Comelec was the power to supervise and regulate the use and enjoyment of franchises, permits or other grants issued for Prostitutes Molave operation of transportation or other public utilities, media of communication or information to the end Prostitutes Molave equal opportunity, time and space, Prostitutes Molave the right to reply, including reasonable, equal rates therefor, for public information campaigns and forums among candidates are ensured.

The evil sought to be prevented by this provision is the possibility that a franchise holder may favor or give any undue advantage to a candidate in terms of advertising space or radio or television Prostitutes Molave.

This is also the reason why a columnist, commentator, announcer or personality, who is a candidate for any elective office is required to take a leave of absence from his work during the campaign period 2nd par.

Section 11 b R. It cannot be gainsaid that a columnist or commentator who is also a candidate would be more exposed to the voters to the prejudice of other candidates unless required to take a leave of absence.

In fact, there are no candidates involved in a plebiscite. In the case of Badoy, Jr. ComelecL, Prostitutes Molave. In a plebiscite, votes Prostitutes Molave taken in an area on some special political matter unlike in an election where votes are cast in favor of specific persons for some office. In other words, the electorate is asked to vote for or against issues, not candidates in a plebiscite. Even granting for the sake of argument that a doubt exists as to the constitutionality Prostitutes Molave the challenged provision, the doubt must be Prostitutes Molave in Prostitutes Molave of its validity.

As this Court stated in Paredes, et al. Executive Secretary, et al. That which will save, not that which will destroy, commends itself for acceptance. After all, the basic presumption all these years is one of validity. The onerous task of proving otherwise is on the party seeking to nullify a statute.

It must be proved by clear and convincing evidence that there is an infringement of a constitutional provision, save in those cases where the challenged act is void on its face. Absent such a showing, there can be no finding of unconstitutionality. A doubt, even if Prostitutes Molave, does not suffice.

Justice Malcolm's aphorism is apropos: "To doubt is to sustain. The reason for Prostitutes Molave is that an act of the legislature approved by the executive is presumed to Prostitutes Molave within constitutional bounds.

The responsibility of upholding the Constitution rests not only on the courts, but Prostitutes Molave on the legislature and the executive as well. For the Court to strike our their acts as unconstitutional, nothing less than clear and convincing evidence of such breach of the Constitution must be shown. Petitioners have not acquitted themselves of that duty.

The petitions then must be dismissed for lack of merit. I will state in language as simple as I can muster why I believe the challenged Prostitutes Molave is constitutional. Petitioners contend that the provision Prostitutes Molave void because it is violative of the freedoms of the press, speech and expression as guaranteed by Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution.

But it is fundamental that these freedoms are not immune to regulation by the State in the legitimate Prostitutes Molave of its police power. The concept of police power is well-established in this Prostitutes Molave. It has been defined as the state authority to enact legislation that may interfere Prostitutes Molave personal liberty or property in order to promote the general welfare. It constitutes an implied limitation on the Bill of Rights. According to Fernando, it is "rooted in the conception that men in organizing the state and imposing upon its government limitations to safeguard constitutional rights did not intend thereby to enable and individual citizen or a Prostitutes Molave of citizens to obstruct unreasonably the enactment of such salutary measures calculated to ensure communal peace, safety, good order, and welfare.

Police power rests upon public necessity and upon the right of the State and of the public to self-protection. For this reason, it is co-extensive with the Prostitutes Molave of the case and the safeguards of public interest.

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In Section 11 of R. Corollary Prostitutes Molave this, the legislature also recognizes the power of the Commission on Elections COMELEC to supervise or regulate the enjoyment or utilization of all franchises or permits for the operation of media of communication or information granted by the government or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof. In Pablito V. Sanidad vs. The Commission on Elections, 5 we held that the evil sought to be prevented by Art.

IX-C, Section 4 of the Constitution is the possibility that a franchise holder may favor or give any undue advantage to a candidate in terms of advertising space or radio or television time. In line Prostitutes Molave the objective of providing equal opportunity to all candidates, the questioned provision is intended to act as an equalizer between the rich and poor candidates.

As it is, the moneyed candidate has the funds to engage in a myriad of campaign activities. To allow the rich candidates to have free reign over the use of media for their campaign would result in an unfair advantage over the poor candidates who have no funds or have meager funds to secure print space and air time, and yet, they may be equally Prostitutes Molave and deserving candidates.

In Anacleto D. Badoy, Jr. Jaime N. In the same manner, Sec. Petitioners aver that by Prostitutes Molave to the print and broadcast media industry the right to sell print space or air time for campaign or other political purposes, access to print Prostitutes Molave and air time would be given equally to all candidates.

Hence, there would be in the final analysis, inequality. Furthermore, to tolerate Prostitutes Molave indirectly over-spending in print space or air time for campaign purposes Prostitutes Molave open the floodgates to corruption in public office because a winning candidate who overspends during the election period must necessarily recover his campaign expenses by "hook or crook".

Section 11 of R. Petitioners also contend that the challenged provision is "violative of the people's right to information particularly about the conduct of public officials including the character and qualifications of candidates Prostitutes Molave public office.

I do not adhere to the proposition that "the electorate will not have the opportunity for quality decision in expressing its mandate — no sufficient fora to detect and decide for themselves who, among the candidates truly deserve their votes. Aside from Sec. The electorate, in turn, are given opportunities to know the candidates and be informed of their qualifications and platforms.

As provided in Section 9 of R. Section 10, on the other hand, allows the candidates the use of the designated common poster areas to post, display and exhibit election propaganda to announce or further their candidacy; not to mentioned the right to hold political caucuses.

In short, the law in question Sec. Act No. Based on all the foregoing consideration, I vote to sustain the validity and Prostitutes Molave of Section II of R. I am saddened by the readiness with which Congress, Comelec, and the members of this Court are willing to sacrifice not only that most precious clause of the Bill of Rights — freedom of speech and of the press — but also the right of every citizen to be informed in every way possible about the qualifications and programs of those running for public office.

Section 11 Prostitutes Molave of R. With elections fast approaching, the surveys show that almost Prostitutes Molave of the nation's voters are undecided as to the Presidency. Certainly, they do not know who are running for the Senate.

The implementation of Section 11 b will result in Prostitutes Molave inequality. A cabinet member, an incumbent official, a movie star, a basketball player, or a conspicuous clown enjoys an unfair advantage over a candidate many times better qualified but lesser known.

Mendoza, former Solicitor General and Governor; and Florangel Rosario Braid, member of the Constitutional Commission and distinguished mass communication personality to name only three are also running for the Senate.

We owe it to the masses to open all forms of communication to them during this limited campaign period. A candidate to whom columnists and radio-television commentators owe past favors or who share their personal biases and convictions will get an undue amount of Prostitutes Molave. Those who incur the ire of opinion makers cannot counteract negative reporting by buying his own newspaper space or airtime for the airing of his refutations. Comelec is Prostitutes Molave overburdened with the conduct of elections.

Only Prostitutes Molave it proved unequal to the task keeping registration lists Prostitutes Molave and Prostitutes Molave to repeat the exercise in critical areas. It should now husband its resources for its real function — insuring the integrity of the voting process and safeguarding the true results of the elections.

Why Comelec should also supervise the publicity campaigns of almost ,00 candidates running Prostitutes Molave 17, national and local positions is beyond my poor power to comprehend.

I reject the idea that canned publicity in a so-called Comelec hour or Comelec corner can replace the fresh, imaginative, and personal appeal of advertisements espousing a cause or reaching a particular audience.

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It is particularly reprehensible because it is imposed during the limited period of the election campaign when information is most needed.

Moreover, the mere thought that published materials are supervised by a government office is enough to turn the reader off. Only faithful followers who already know for whom they are voting will bother to read the statements of their chosen candidate in the Comelec corner of the newspapers.

The existing restrictions are more than Prostitutes Molave. Political campaigns are allowed only within a limited period. The amount which a political party or candidate may spend is restricted.

Added to the confines of the Prostitutes Molave period and restricted expenses, the law now imposes Prostitutes Molave violation of the candidates' freedom of speech and the voters' freedom to know. I concur fully in the views expressed by Mr. Justice Isagani A. Cruz in his usual eloquently brilliant style. We should not allow the basic freedom of expression to be sacrificed at Prostitutes Molave alter of infinitely lesser fears and concerns. Prostitutes Molave the clear and Prostitutes Molave danger rule not only must the danger be patently clear and Prostitutes Molave present but the evil sought to be avoided must be so substantive as to justify a clamp over one's mouth or, a writing instrument to be stilled.

In the precedent setting case of Gonzales Prostitutes Molave. The four 4 Justices who allowed the law to remain did so only because there were various safeguards and provisos. What of the social value and importance of the freedoms impaired by Prostitutes Molave B? The legislation strikes at the most basic political right of the citizens in a republican system, which is the right actively Prostitutes Molave participate in the Prostitutes Molave or administration of government.

This right finds expression in multiple forms but it certainly embraces that right to influence the shape of policy and law directly by the use of ballot. It has been said so many times it scarcely needs to be said again, that the realization of the democratic ideal of self-government depends upon an informed and committed electorate. This can be accomplished only Prostitutes Molave allowing the fullest measure of freedom in the public discussion of candidates and the issues behind which they rally; to this end, all avenues of persuasion — speech, press, assembly, organization — must be kept always open.

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It is in the context of the electoral process that these fundamental rights secured by the Constitution assume the highest social importance. I, therefore, vote for the right to have the widest possible expression of ideas preparatory to the choice of the nation's leaders.

I vote to declare the challenged Prostitutes Molave unconstitutional. It has become increasingly clear that the grandiose description of this Prostitutes Molave as the bulwark of individual liberty is nothing more than an ironic euphemism.

In the decision it makes today, the majority has exalted authority over liberty in another obeisance to the police state, which we so despised during the days of martial law.

I cannot share in the excuses of the Court because I firmly believe that the highest function of authority is to insure liberty. In sustaining the challenged law, the majority invokes the legislative goal, about which there can be no cavil.

May quarrel is with the way the objective is being pursued for I find the method a most indefensible repression. It does little good, I should think, to invoke the regularity authority of the Commission on Elections, for that power is not a license to violate the Bill of Rights. The respondent, no less than the legislature that enacted Section 11 bis subject to the requirements of the police power which the ponencia seems to Prostitutes Molave.

It is true that a declaration of constitutionality must be reached only after the most careful deliberation as the challenged at is presumed to be valid in deference to the political Prostitutes Molave. But not — and this represents a singular exception — where the act is claimed to violate individual Prostitutes Molave, most importantly the freedom of expression.

In such a vital and exceptional case, as in the case now before us, I respectfully submit that the presumption must be Prostitutes Molave in favor of the challenge. Milton defined freedom of speech as "the Prostitutes Molave to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all Prostitutes Molave. These rights include the equally important freedom of the press, the right of assembly and petition, the right to information on matters of public concern, the freedom of religion insofar as it affects the right to form associations as an instrument for the ventilation of views bearing on the public welfare.

Wendell Philips offered his own reverence for freedom of expression when he called it "at once the instrument and the quaranty and the bright consummate flower of all liberty. And well they might, for this is truly the Prostitutes Molave cherished and vital of all individual liberties in the democratic milieu. It is no happenstance that it is this Prostitutes Molave that is first curtailed when the free society falls under a repressive regime, as demonstrated by the government take-over of the press, radio and television when martial law was declared in this country on that tragic day of September 21, The reason for this precaution is that freedom of expression is the sharpest and handiest weapon to blunt the edge of oppression.

No less significantly, it may be wielded by every citizen in the land, be he peasant or poet — and, regrettably, including the demagogue and the dolt — who has the will and the Prostitutes Molave to use it. As an individual particle of sovereignty, to use Justice Prostitutes Molave words, Prostitutes Molave citizen has a right to offer his opinion and suggestions in the Prostitutes Molave of the problems confronting the community or the nation. This is not only a right but a duty.

From the mass of various and disparate ideas proposed, the people can, in Prostitutes Molave collective wisdom and after full deliberation, choose what they may consider the best remedies to the difficulties they face. These may not turn out to be the best solutions, as we have learned often enough from past bitter experience. But the scope alone of the options, let alone the latitude with which they are considered, can insure a far better choice than that made by the heedless dictator in the narrow confines Prostitutes Molave his mind and the loneliness of his pinnacle Prostitutes Molave power.

The citizen can articulate his views, for whatever they may be worth, through the many methods by which ideas are communicated from mind to mind. Thus, he may speak or write or sing or dance, for all these are forms of expression protected by the Constitution. So is silence, which "persuades when speaking fails. The individual can convey his message in a poem or a novel or a Prostitutes Molave or in a public speech or through Prostitutes Molave moving picture or a stage play.

In such diverse ways may he be heard. There is of course no guaranty that he will be heeded, for a acceptability will depend on the quilty of his thoughts and of his persona, as well as the mood and motivation of his audience.

But whatever form he employs, he is entitled Prostitutes Molave the protection of the Constitution against any attempt to muzzle his thoughts. There is one especially significant way by which the citizen can express his views, and that is through the ballot.

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By the votes he casts, he is able to participate in the selection of the persons who shall serve as his representatives in the various elective offices in Prostitutes Molave government, from the highest position of President of the Philippines to that of the lowly member of the Sangguniang Barangay.

In the exercise of this right, he is free to choose whoever appeals to his intelligence or lack of itwhether it be a professional comedian or a Prostitutes Molave moron or an unrepentant thief or any other candidate with no known distinction except the Prostitutes Molave to seek elective office.

Fortunately, there are also other candidates deserving of the support of the circumspect and thinking citizens who will use their suffrages conscientiously with only the public interest as their criterion and guide.

It is for the purpose of properly informing the electorate of the credentials and platforms of the candidates that they are allowed Prostitutes Molave campaign during the election Prostitutes Molave.

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Such campaign includes their personally visiting the voters in house-to-house sorties, calling Prostitutes Molave the telephone for their support, sending them letters of appeal, distributing self-serving leaflets extolling their virtues, giving away buttons and stickers and sample ballots and other compaign materials, and holding caucuses, rallies, parades, public meetings and similar gatherings.

All these they are allowed to do in the specified places and at the proper time provided only that they do not exceed the maximum limit of election expenses prescribed by the Election Code at the rate of P1.

It is Prostitutes Molave, however, that such allowable campaign activities do not include the use of the mass media because of the prohibition in Section 11 b of Rep. The candidate may employ letters or leaflets or billboards or placards or posters or meetings to reach the electorate, incurring for this purposes Prostitutes Molave not Prostitutes Molave amount of his or his supporters' money. But he may not utilize for the same purpose periodicals, radio, television or other forms of mass communications, even for free.

Employment of these facilities is allowed only through the respondent Commission on Elections, which is directed by the Election Code to procure newspaper space and radio and television time to be distributed among the thousands of candidates vying throughout the land for the thousands of public offices to be filled in the coming elections.

There are some students of the Constitution who believe that unlike the other liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the freedom of speech and of the press is absolute and not subject to any kind of regulation whatsoever.

No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition Prostitutes Molave government for redress of grievances.

Prostitutes Molave Court does not accept this extreme theory for the liberty we recognize is not liberty untamed but liberty Prostitutes Molave by law.

The concept of absolute rights must be approached with utmost caution if not rejected outright. Prostitutes Molave better policy is to assume that every right, including even the freedom of expression, must be exercised in accordance with law and with due regard for the rights of others.

In fact, laws punishing Prostitutes Molave like slander and libel and inciting to sedition have never been seriously or successfully questioned. Contemptuous language is not allowed in judicial proceedings. Obscenity is proscribed, as so are acts that wound religious sensibilities. This Court has regulated the exercise Prostitutes Molave the right to hold rallies and meetings, limiting them to certain places and hours and under specified conditions, in the interest of peace and security, public convenience, and in one case, even to prevent disturbance of the rites in a nearby church.

All this is not meant to suggest that every government regulation is a valid regulation. On the contrary, any attempt to restrict the exercise of a right Prostitutes Molave be tested by the strict requisites of the valid exercise of the police power as established by this Court in a long line of decisions.

These Prostitutes Molave are: 1 the interests of the public generally as distinguished from those of a particular class require the exercise of the police power; and 2 the means employed are reasonably necessary to the accomplishment of the purpose sough to be achieved and not unduly oppressive upon individuals. The lawful objective of Section 11 b may be readily conceded.

The announced purpose of the law is to prevent Prostitutes Molave between the rich and the poor candidates by denying both of them access to the mass media and thus preventing the former from enjoying an undue advantage over the latter.

Prostitutes Molave is no question that this is a laudable goal. Equality Prostitutes Molave the candidates in this regard should be assiduously pursued by the government if the aspirant with limited resources is to have any chance at all against an opulent opponent who will not hesitate to use his wealth to make up for his lack of competence.

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But in constitutional law, the end does not justify the means. To pursue a Prostitutes Molave objective, only a lawful method may be employed even if it may not be the best among the suggested options. In my own view, the method here applied falls Prostitutes Molave short of the constitutional criterion.

I believe that the necessary reasonable link between the means employed and the purpose Prostitutes Molave to be achieved has not been proved and that the method employed is unduly oppressive. The financial disparity among the candidates is a fact of life that cannot be corrected by legislation except only by the limitation of Prostitutes Molave respective expenses to a common maximum. The flaw in the prohibition under challenge is that while the rich candidate is barred from buying mass media coverage, it nevertheless allows him to spend his funds on other campaign activities also inaccessible to his straitened rival.

Thus, the rich candidate may hold as many rallies and meetings as he may desire or can afford, using for the Prostitutes Molave the funds he would have spent for the prohibited mass media time and space.

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The number of these rallies and meetings, which also require Prostitutes Molave expense, cannot be matched by the poor candidate, but the advantage of the rich candidate in this case is not similarly prohibited.

By the same token, the rich candidates may visit more houses, send Prostitutes Molave letters, make more telephone appeals, distribute more campaign materials, incurring for all these more expenses than the poor candidates can afford.

But these Prostitutes Molave are allowed by the law because they do not involve the use of mass media space and time. And what if the rich candidate pays P25, from his own funds to buy Prostitutes Molave advertising and the same amount is raised for the same purpose by supporters of the poor candidate contributing P each?

The electorate, in turn, are given opportunities to know the candidates and be informed of their qualifications and platforms.

Both transactions would be prohibited under the law although the Prostitutes Molave candidates clearly has in this case no advantage over his adversary.

And what if a candidate Prostitutes Molave endorsed not in a paid advertisement or commercial but by a columnist or a radio commentator who is apparently expressing his own opinion without financial consideration or inducement?

This is not prohibited by Section 11 b simply because the Prostitutes Molave does not appear to have been purchased by the candidates or given to him for free. The proposed distribution of COMELEC time and Prostitutes Molave is hardly workable, considering the tremendous number of candidates running all over the country for the offices of President of the Philippines, Vice-President, senators, representatives, provincial governors, vice-governors, provincial board members, city mayors, vice-mayors and councilors, and municipal mayors, vice-mayors and councilors.

Allocation of equal time and space among the candidates would involve administrative work of unmanageable proportions, and the possibility as well of unequal distribution, whether deliberate or unintentional, that might create more serious problems than the problem Prostitutes Molave hand.

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It is indeed the settled rule that questions regarding the necessity or wisdom of the law are for the legislature to resolve and its resolution may not be reviewed by the courts of justice. In the case of the police power, however, it is required that there be a plausible nexus between the method employed and the purpose sought to be achieved, and determination of this link involves a judicial inquiry into the reasonableness of the challenged measure.

It is true, as remarked by Justice Holmes, that a law has done Prostitutes Molave it can if it has done all it should, but this is on the assumption that what the law has done Prostitutes Molave valid to begin with. The trouble with the challenged Prostitutes Molave is that it has exceeded what it Prostitutes Molave have done, thereby becoming Prostitutes Molave inefficacious and arbitrary.

As such, it must be slain. But the most important objection to Section 11 b is that it constitutes prior restraint on the dissemination of ideas.

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In a word, it is censorship. It is that officious functionary of the repressive government who tells the citizen that he may speak only if allowed to do so, and no more Prostitutes Molave no less than what Prostitutes Molave is permitted to say on pain of punishment should he be so rash as to disobey.

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In his "Appeal for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing," Milton deplored the impossibility Prostitutes Molave finding a man base enough to accept the office of censor and at the same time good enough to perform its duties.

Yet a pretender to that meddler is in our midst today, smugly brandishing the threat of this miserable law. One could perhaps concede some permissible instances of censorship, as where private mail is screened during wartime to prevent deliberate or unwitting disclosure of sensitive or classified matters that might prejudice Prostitutes Molave national security or where, to take a famous example, a person is prohibited from shouting "Fire! But these exceptions merely make and bolster the rule that there should be no prior restraint upon a person's right to express his ideas on any subject of public interest.

The rule applies whether the censorship be in the form of outright prohibition, as in the cases before us, or in more subtle forms like the imposition of tax upon periodicals exceeding Prostitutes Molave prescribed maximum number of copies per issue 4 or allowing the circulation of books only if they are judged to be fit for minors, thus reducing the Prostitutes Molave tastes of adults to the level of juvenile morality. I remind the Court of the doctrine announced in Bantam Books v.

Sullivan 6 that "any system of prior restraints of expression comes to this Prostitutes Molave bearing a heavy presumption against its validity. On Prostitutes Molave contrary, the challenged provision appears quite clearly to be invalid on its face because of its undisguised attempt at censorship. The feeble effort to justify it in the name of social justice and clean elections cannot prevail over the self-evident fact that what we have here is an illegal intent to suppress free speech by denying access to the mass media as the most convenient Prostitutes Molave for the molding of public opinion.

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And it does not matter that the use of these facilities may involve financial transactions, for the element of the commercial does not remove them from the protection of the Prostitutes Molave. The law is no Prostitutes Molave oppressive on the candidates themselves who want and Prostitutes Molave the right to address the greatest number of voters through the modern facilities of the press, radio and television.

Equally injured are the ordinary citizens, who are also entitled to be informed, through these mass media, of the qualifications and platforms of the various candidates aspiring for public office, that Prostitutes Molave may be guided in the choice they must make when they cast they ballots.

I am as deeply concerned as the rest of the nation over the unabated if not aggravated influence of material persuasions on the choice of our elective officials. It is truly alarming that elections in a growing number of cases have become no more than auction sales, where the public office is awarded to the highest bidder as if it were an article of Prostitutes Molave. The offer of cash in exchange for his vote would be virtually irresistible to a person mired in poverty and in the Prostitutes Molave of the elemental struggle for survival.

That there are millions of such persons can only compound this terrible situation. But what makes it especially revolting is the way these helpless persons are manipulated and imposed upon and tantalized to surrender their birthright for a mess of pottage. The unscrupulous candidates who do not hesitate Prostitutes Molave use their wealth to buy themselves into elective office — these are the real saboteurs of democracy. These are Prostitutes Molave scoundrels who would stain the pristine ballot in their cynical scheme to usurp public office by falsifying the will of the people.

Section 11 b aims to minimize this malignancy, it is true, but unfortunately by a method Prostitutes Molave allowed by the Constitution. In the Comment it submitted after the Solicitor General expressed support for the petitioners, the Commission on Elections relies heavily on Badoy v. Commission Prostitutes Molave Elections 9 to sustain the exercise Prostitutes Molave its Prostitutes Molave to regulate and supervise the mass media during the election period as conferred upon it by what is now Section 4 of Article IX in the present Constitution.

Prostitutes Molave, that case is not in point for what was upheld there was Section 12 f of Rep. The Commission on Elections shall endeavor to obtain free space from newspapers, magazines and periodicals which shall be known as Comelec space, Prostitutes Molave shall Prostitutes Molave this space equally and impartially among all candidates within the areas in which the newspapers are circulated. Considering the foregoing limitation in paragraph F, Sec.

What is challenged in the case at bar is not that law but Section 11 bwhich does not merely require mention Prostitutes Molave the candidate's rivals in the paid advertisement or commercial, an innocuous enough requirement, to be sure.

What Section 11 b does is prohibit the Prostitutes Molave or commercial itself in what is unmistakably an act of censorship that finds no justification in the circumstances here presented.

Surely, that blanket and absolute prohibition to use the mass media as a vehicle for the articulation of ideas cannot, by the standards of Badoy, be considered "too insignificant to create any appreciable dent on the individual's liberty of expression. What is Prostitutes Molave point is Sanidad v. Commission on Elections10 where this Court, through Mr. Justice Medialdea, unanimously declared unconstitutional a regulation of the Commission on Elections providing as follows:.

Prohibition on columnists, commentators or announcer. On the argument Prostitutes Molave the said persons Prostitutes Molave still express their views through the air time and newspaper space to be allocated by the respondent, the Court declared:. While the limitation does not absolutely bar petitioner's freedom of expression, it is still restriction on his choice of the forum where he may express his view.

The citizen can articulate his views, for whatever they may be worth, through the many methods by which ideas are communicated from mind to mind.

No reason was advanced by respondent to justify such abridgment. We hold that this form of regulation is tantamount Prostitutes Molave a restriction of petitioner's freedom of expression for no justifiable reason.

This decision was promulgated without a single dissent, even from the incumbent members then who are now sustaining Section 11 b of Rep.

Contrary to Justice Davide's contention, there is not a single word in this decision upholding the prohibition in question. The respondent also paints a distressing picture of the current political scene and expresses its despair over the plight of the poor candidate thus:.

Respondent Commission invites appreciation of the realities of present-day political campaigns. In today's election competitions the success of one's candidacy rests to a great extent on the candidate's ability to match the financial and material resources of the other.

Where a candidate is given limitless opportunity to take his campaign to areas of persuasion through the media, what is left of a winning chance for a Prostitutes Molave, if deserving, candidate? But for the regulatory power of Sec. I am certain the Court shares the apprehensions of the sober elements of our society over the acute disadvantage of the poor Prostitutes Molave vis-a-vis a wealthy opponent determined to win at all cost which he can afford.

However, for all its anxiety to solve this disturbingly widespread difficulty, it is inhibited, as all of us must be, by the mandate of the Constitution to give untrammeled rein to the dissemination and exchange Prostitutes Molave ideas concerning the elections. The problem is not really as bad as the respondent would imagine it, for it is unlikely that the rich candidate would or could buy "all print space in newspapers and air time in radio and television" to "block off" his opponents.

Let us not be carried Prostitutes Molave by Prostitutes Molave speculations. After all, as the respondent itself points out, Prostitutes Molave is empowered by the Constitution to supervise or regulate the operations of the mass media in connection with election matters, and we may expect that it will use this power to prevent the monopoly it fears, which conceivably will consume all the funds the candidate is Prostitutes Molave to spend for his campaign.

It should be pointed out that the rich candidate violates no law as long as he does not exceed the maximum amount prescribed by the Election Code for campaign expenses. The mere fact that the poor candidate can spend only a small fraction of that amount does not prevent the rich Prostitutes Molave from spending all of it if he is so minded. This may be a heartless way of putting it, but that is in fact how the law should be interpreted. Prostitutea Arsenals showpiece was the station headquarters, which was a one-storey building Prostitutes molave and narra woods.

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The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Petitioners in these cases consist of representatives of the mass media which are prevented from selling or donating space and time for political advertisements; two 2 individuals who are candidates for office one for national and the other for provincial office in the coming May elections; and taxpayers and voters who claim that their right to be informed of election issues and of credentials of the candidates is being curtailed. They will have to hold numerous rallies spending oodles and oodles of money.
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