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It is not so difficult to see that the singer deliberately chose to malign Owerri people by branding their girls as prostitutes. The youths, because of their reliance on Western education, which guarantees unavailable white collar jobs, have turned to robbery and cultism in order to make ends meet. This is what the Prostitutes Oguta doctor explained to Efuru, a new recruit Prostitutes Oguta the goddess, concerning her calling in Nwapa :.

Prior to the advancement of the colonial masters in Nigeria and the arrival of Christian missionaries, each ethnic group had its own traditional form of education based on its own culture and tradition. The curriculum that is informal comprises developing the Prostitutes Oguta physical skill, character, intellectual skills and sense of belonging to the community as well as inculcating respect for elders and instituted Prostitutes Oguta and giving specific vocational training and the understanding and appreciation of the community's cultural heritage Imam The family system played an important role in this form Prostitutes Oguta education.

Grandparents most of the times had the duty to look after their grandchildren and in this way inculcate to them the customs and tradition of the people. Obviously, the wisdom, ageless cultural values and traditions of forbears were effectively passed to the younger generation.

With formal Western education, the priority shifted from local content preservation and enhancement to that of sustaining Prostitutes Oguta interest of the colonial masters, which was mostly commercial. Enwo-Irem noted that the motive behind the introduction of formal education by the colonialists was not really aimed at enhancing the development of their colony Nigeria.

The colonial agents had a series of problems in administrating the people and in the exploitation of natural resources in the land. They had the problem of acceptance of the Prostitutes Oguta agents in some parts of the country and that of language barrier in areas where the local people appeared to have accepted the colonial agents. So they decided to use education to tackle some of the problems and Prostitutes Oguta empower the people to be self-reliant, confident and proud Africans, who would uplift their culture and tradition.

Because the Prostitutes Oguta was more on educating vital personnel who would service the chains of production in the colonial administration and serve as internal eyes and ears, a kind of saboteurs, for commercial and economic imperialists, the scope and standard of education received by the natives were limited. They were trained merely as gardeners, carpenters, masons, tailors, clerks, interpreters, catechists and local school masters Nwankiti Prostitutes Oguta These 'chosen' few were made to feel privileged and important over others.

Armed with the power of a foreign language that others did not understand, a well-paid job and the connection of the masters, they Prostitutes Oguta little 'lords' over their own people, in imitation of their arrogant and rapacious colonists. They started treating their people, especially the village heads and chiefs, with scorn and even challenged their Prostitutes Oguta.

To undermine the local powers and demonstrate Prostitutes Oguta superiority over them, the learned natives started undermining the cultures and traditions of the people without any reprimand from their colonial masters.

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Consequently, the individual interest was enthroned over the communal interest. The traditions and customs Prostitutes Oguta eroded. Seeing this new-found liberty and the Prostitutes Oguta that goes with it, so many people, especially those who felt disadvantaged and deprived in the society, embraced Western education as a way of emancipating themselves.

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A new culture was enthroned displacing the people's culture and tradition. Consequently, according to Jell-Bahlsenlocal myths were seen as old garbage, fetish, pagan and meaningless ramblings of primitive minds that have no place in the modern world of science and technology. They were seen as imageries without the capacity whatsoever to salvage man or help him discover the true meaning of life.

Hence, colonial research was slow to accept the notion of an African water goddess. The conquerors of territories were more interested in the earth than in water they could not control and whose Prostitutes Oguta they would not fathom.

Yet, African villagers have long known about the importance of water and its goddess to their existence, survival, and well-being. Though women bring children and life into this world, there is no life without water and the goddess that guarantees it.

The colonialists' reluctance to learn from Prostitutes Oguta natives or incorporate their culture into the new emerging Prostitutes Oguta is an old rhyme recited everywhere in the black African continent.

It shows the culture of obliteration, which the Mammy Water myth was subdued. By discrediting the myths as credible educational sources, the natives were denied not only a didactic means akin to their cultural nature but also a unifying link with their Prostitutes Oguta.

By discrediting the myths, the people's worldview and values were debased. Prostitutes Oguta Religion: Christianity Prostitutes Oguta Nigeria, as anywhere else in Africa, was motivated by the will to evangelise and extricate the people from the devil's jaws and eternal hell fire. There was no design for religious dialogue, enculturation or acculturation.

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To justify their mission, according to Ugwu and Ugwueye ATR was contemptuously described Prostitutes Oguta native, pagan, heathen, juju, fetish, animism, Prostitutes Oguta, primitive and polytheism.

It was associated with anything denigrate like witchcraft, ghosts, hobgoblins, charms, superstitions, evil omens, magic, etc.

This dialectical approach employed by the missionaries which negated any form of dialogue with the people in terms of Prostitutes Oguta, socio and religious values, in their proclamation of the gospel, put the gospel and the recipient culture at loggerhead. There was complete derision, condemnation and destruction of Africa Tradition Religion's native rites, arts and artefacts by overzealous churchgoers.

Shrines and native places of worship were burnt and sacred observances violated. Sacred totems were killed Achebe Mammy Water was not spared.

Awfully, the act of demonising the other, which happens to be the Christian tactic, was employed on the myth and it was roundly condemned. She was called a mermaid and queen of the coast. Jell-Bahlsen revealed that diverse water gods and goddesses were all lumped together as 'mammy water' and branded as 'aquatic Prostitutes Oguta spirits'.

The term Mammy Water was used as a simplified synonym for all water deities and, moreover, placed on the same level or associated with physical properties such as barrenness, Prostitutes Oguta, untimely death, etc.

The resistance by the natives was not enough to forestall the incursion and Prostitutes Oguta of their culture by the combined efforts of the missionaries and their nationalists, the colonial masters Achebe Native culture and tradition yielded to the demands of the gospel involuntarily and cosmetically.

The result is that today many Africans are inwardly more Traditionalists than Christians. In their different Christian denominations, they have imported certain aspects of ATR like songs, titles, clapping of hands and superstitions. Some Prostitutes Oguta these Christian believers in their moments of crisis seek help more from the native religion than from Christianity.

To think that such putrid, horrible and despicable profiling could come from a singer left me shocked.

The crisis of values in Oguta. With the emergence of the new Prostitutes Oguta and the Prostitutes Oguta civilisation necessitated by Western education in Oguta, the people noticed changes in their way of life and interaction with one another.

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This change was well illustrated in Nwapa :. What are Prostitutes Oguta going to do about thieves in this town? The world is bad.

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In my youth, there was no stealing. If you stole you were sold as a slave. If your property was stolen, you simply went to one of the idols and prayed him to visit the thief. Before two or three days, you recovered your property. But these Church-goers have spoilt everything.

They tell us our gods have no power, Prostitutes Oguta our people continue to steal. These changes have not abated, instead, they have gradually become entrenched in Prostitutes Oguta society.

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According to a focus group interview on some Prostitutes Oguta in the town, sexual harassment which was barely known and condemned in the severest Prostitutes Oguta has become the order of the day A. Uzokwe, pers commun, 24 January ; A. Nwanegbo, pers commun, 24 January ; S. Uzoka, pers commun, 24 January ; G. Nwedo, pers commun, 24 January On daily basis, young girls are raped and sexually molested. It was reported that in the month of Augustsome young men invaded the only girls' secondary school in the town at night and raped most of the girls in their dormitories.

In the past, though unimaginable, such acts Prostitutes Oguta have led to the banishment of the people concerned from the town and a ritual cleansing of the whole town. Unfortunately, this was not the case today. Though the culprits were identified and prosecuted in the Court of Justice, they have since regained their freedom as if nothing happened. The story has not changed because many more people are being raped or sexually harassed Prostitutes Oguta young girls and women are afraid Prostitutes Oguta move freely at night unaccompanied Records from Oguta Division 'A' Police Office.

On the other hand, the town is said to be witnessing a high rate of teenage pregnancies as this is no longer considered a taboo and traditional Prostitutes Oguta are disempowered to question anybody on such issue regarded as personal right. Other sexual issues Prostitutes Oguta the rise and without any traditional mediation in the town are prostitution, abortion, divorce and abandoned babies.

Sexual promiscuity has become classy and fashionable that we live in a culture of permissiveness I. Besides Prostitutes Oguta immorality, the town faces Prostitutes Oguta menace of armed robbers and cultists. The youths, because of their reliance on Western education, which guarantees unavailable white collar jobs, have turned to robbery and cultism in order to Prostitutes Oguta ends meet. Unlike before when everybody was gainfully employed because of the opportunities the lake offered in terms of farming, fishing and trading, many youths are idle.

“The Prostitute in Arab and North African Fiction”. The Image of the Prostitute in Modern Literature. Oguta: Zim Pan – African Publishers, —. I will also not say that there are no sex workers in Owerri. which it initiated and aimed at developing Oguta blue water lake as the.

They have failed to see the untapped opportunities in the lake because Prostitutes Oguta their scorn for native life. Between andmore than eight young men lost their lives in cultic fracas. During this period, the quiet town was thrown into turmoil, many people lost their properties and many others fled Prostitutes Oguta their homes because of cultic hostilities among the youth Records from Oguta Division 'A' Police Office.

In the past, the mere invoking of the goddess by her ministers would not only have arrested the situation but also put heavy fines on the culprits for disturbing the peace of the town.

In fact, according to the data from interviewed elders in the focused group discussion, such a calamity has never befallen the people before because it would amount to heavy penalty. With improved social amenities and Prostitutes Oguta, the lake has lost its religious significance as practically no religious activity goes on there.

The lake has been commercialised purely as a tourist attraction. This could be likened to expunging the lake of its soul. The repercussion is what Nwapa noted in the natives' complain about white tourists to the lake.

They complained that these foreigners, Prostitutes Oguta and women, swim in the lake naked and together against the rules of Prostitutes Oguta lake goddess. Not only that they are bad influence on the young ones morally, they anger the goddess and pollute the lake with their noisy engine boats.

Prostitutes Oguta scare away the fish and make the water unhealthy for human consumption.

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Worst of all by not keeping to the goddess' ordinances, the town has been witnessing Prostitutes Oguta natural disaster or the other. The latest in the chains Prostitutes Oguta events is the flooding that grounded the whole town. Though no life was lost, some of the natives lost their livestock, houses and farmlands to the flood I.

An attempt was finally made to understand the opinion of the people on Prostitutes Oguta critical situation Prostitutes Oguta town is facing. Grouping the people according to their age bracket, we have people in the first group comprising five people who are above 70 years old. The second group of five are between the ages of 40 and 69 years, while the last group of five are between the ages 20 and 39 years.

The interviewees are all natives of Oguta. They are all born, bred and resident in Oguta. Another Prostitutes Oguta common feature among them is that all of them are baptised Christians of different denominations even though not all of them are practicing Christians. Reacting to the situation Prostitutes Oguta the town, there was unanimous agreement among the people in the first group that the town and its culture have changed tremendously for the worst.

The elderly relished the blissful past when there was peace and order in the whole town and nobody dared to cause problem. Unfortunately, the reverse is the case. When they were asked about the possible role Mammy Water myth played to this blissful time, they were not Prostitutes Oguta in their response. On one hand, they all agreed that things were far better when her ordinances were observed than now but on the other hand, they all agreed that the goddess is evil.

In fact, they were surprised that people are still interested in the myth, which for them is Prostitutes Oguta thing in the past. This notwithstanding, they showed a strong nostalgia for the past but not for the myth. In the Prostitutes Oguta group made up of learned Prostitutes Oguta, there is a total agreement that all is not well with the town. The social, religious and moral structures have collapsed without any respite in sight.

When questioned about the Mammy Water myth, they all remembered the story of the capsized Nigerian army boats during the civil war in They narrated this story with little variations according to the version they heard. Even though they long for the good old days of the myth, they consider it fetish and without any power.

From the response given by members of the third group, it was lucidly observed that, they consider their town as one of the developed places in Igbo land Prostitutes Oguta thus are proud of it. When reminded of the killings and sexual immoralities going on, they were fast to point out that such is happening everywhere. They acknowledged hearing the story of Mammy Water and the Nigerian army but nothing more about the myth.

Obviously, for them, the myth belongs to idyllic time of the ancestors and has nothing to do with them. The crisis of values facing most African societies is as a result of extrapolating them from their natural milieu and filling them up with mores Prostitutes Oguta are not akin to their true Prostitutes Oguta and ethics.

Knowledge without self Prostitutes Oguta environmental mastering would amount to religion without faith. And this is what Africans faced with regards to Christianity and Western education. Thus, just as Prostitutes Oguta submits that a particular and unprecedented experience of time is ours, to be reflected upon, perhaps to be channelled in new directions, so, to really move forward from this quagmire especially as it concerns the people of Oguta with regard to the disappearing Mammy Water myth, the following suggestions should be considered.

The disappearing Mammy Water myth and the crisis of values in Oguta, South Eastern Nigeria

They are:. Though the deed is Prostitutes Oguta done and seemingly impossible to Prostitutes Oguta to status quo, there is need to start re-telling the stories of African life. Government at all levels should mobilise all, the church, the state and families to promote people's culture. The Mammy Water myth is fast disappearing but the lake has not disappeared. Prostitutes Oguta, the story can start from there. Implementing the ecological dictates of the myth has become more than before very imperative in our age of ecological disaster.

We may not return to worshipping the goddess as before but may implement some of the ordinances that are ecologically proactive like not fishing in the lake on particular days so as to allow the lake to rejuvenate.

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Ethical Prostitutes Oguta and ordinances promoted by the myth should not be thrown overboard but reintroduced and encouraged in the society Prostitutes Oguta as to nib the current moral laxity in the society. In our pluralistic world, effort should be made by all and sundry, especially governmental authorities, in the society in promoting dialogue and fraternal Prostitutes Oguta of ideas among different religious groups.

Effort should be made to discourage casting aspersions on others or engaging in hate preaching especially on traditions that promote healthy living.

This ability was destroyed without minding that minds capable of creating myths can as well create sophisticated scientific gadgets or, at least, pave the way for their realisation in the future.

The Federal Government should introduce cultural education at all levels of education in the country. With this in place, it would be difficult for our cultural heritage, traditions, myths and legends to be lost undocumented and without reaching the Prostitutes Oguta generations.

Important historical places like the Oguta Lake with unrivalled myths and legends should be designated Prostitutes Oguta centres for students of history, archaeology, anthropology, religion and culture outside of their being tourist zones.

Indubitably, the Mammy Water myth has been the soul of religion and culture in Oguta. It conditioned their worldview and strengthened their community life as people. Some of the issues raised by the myth that was unjustly condemned have been justified by science and events today. This is a vindication for the myth and a reason for introspection Prostitutes Oguta the natives. For example, while the myth in its puritanical overture succeeded in curtailing promiscuity and violence in the town for many years without Prostitutes Oguta friction, the combined Prostitutes Oguta of Christian religion and Western education have not.

In fact, the situation has worsened Prostitutes Oguta the pretence of comprehensive sex education programmes in these institutions. From the information gathered, it is obvious that the myth is disappearing or has disappeared from the land.

It Prostitutes Oguta blocked from reaching down to the present generation. Though the remote causes are religion and Western education, not all the natives agree to this, thus signifying a great use of propaganda and indoctrination in the process Prostitutes Oguta cultural exchange.

The consequence of this lacuna is that myths do not just disappear alone, they disappear with their didactics and values. Unfortunately, the major casualties are children.

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They will never know who they really are as was quite evident in Prostitutes Oguta third group of interviewees. They will neither share from the same wisdom source like their ancestors nor know Prostitutes Oguta they Prostitutes Oguta the people of the lake like their ancestors. Their civilisation would be without origin, identity and Prostitutes Oguta.

It is a civilisation enshrined in overwhelming sexual promiscuity, stealing, kidnapping and killings. The supposed development from Western education and Christianity has undermined people's collective identity, mastering and perfection. In essence, what was destroyed was not the myth but the people's creative ability. This ability was destroyed without minding that minds capable of creating myths can as well create sophisticated scientific gadgets or, at least, pave the way for their realisation in the future.

By depriving the future generation this myth, their growth, both spiritually and materially, has been stunted. Obviously, what is disappearing or being destroyed is not the myth but the people's creative ability and self-confidence. Christianity and Western education have undermined the mind that created and sustained the myth.

This is because the myth fulfils Prostitutes Oguta primitive culture an indispensable function: it expresses, enhances and codifies belief; it safeguards and Prostitutes Oguta morality; Prostitutes Oguta it vouches for the efficiency of ritual and Prostitutes Oguta practical rules for guidance of man Malinowski This mind could have created or at least paved the way for authentic African civilisation without stunting the growth of the future generation morally or otherwise.

The authors declare that they have no financial or personal relationships which may have inappropriately influenced them in writing this article. All Prostitutes Oguta equally contributed to the research and writing of this article. Achebe, C. Achufusi, G. Chukwuma ed. Agorua, A. Anyacho, E. Armstrong, K. Knof, New York.

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Enwo-Irem, I. Jell-Bahlsen, S. Malinowski, B. Redfield Prostitutes Oguta. Mbiti, J. Nwankiti, B. Nwapa, F. Ofili, O. Okpewho, I. Ugwu, C. Ukeje, B. Yerushalmi, Y. Correspondence: Favour Uroko favour. Received: 19 Mar. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Prostitutes Oguta Commons Attribution License.

Services on Prostitutes Oguta Article. English pdf Article in xml format Article references How to cite this article Automatic translation. Access statistics. Cited by Google Similars in Google. Introduction The era of myths has been variously described as the pre-logical time in Prostitutes Oguta history when people believed in gods and goddesses, Prostitutes Oguta existence and powers were merely the figments of human's imagination.

According to Armstrong : myths may have told stories about gods, but they were really focused on the more elusive, puzzling, and tragic aspects of the human predicament that lay outside the remit of logos. Some of the taboos as recorded by Nwapa are: Orie day is her great day. Respect for life and human dignity Life, among the Igbo people, is considered the highest gift from the Supreme God, Chukwu.

Gender sensitivity Igbo culture is adduced to be patriarchal by nature and tends to limit the operational sphere of the womenfolk Achufusi This is what the native doctor explained to Efuru, a new recruit of the goddess, concerning her calling in Nwapa : You are a great woman … It is a great honour. Promotion of respectable togetherness In Africa, the community is the supreme custodian and Prostitutes Oguta of all.

The Sense of the sacred In Igbo traditional culture, profanity does not exist. Factors responsible for the disappearing Mammy Water myth Western civilisation in its varied forms has been blamed for the cultural change in Africa. I will also not say that there are no sex workers in Owerri. Most of the girls the singer assumed to be Owerri girls could most probably be indigenes of her state.

It is a known fact that men often fly in from Abuja, Lagos and Prostitutes Oguta places with their female friends to spend time in Owerri, just Prostitutes Oguta they visit other major cities like Enugu, Abeokuta, Warri, among others.

I just wonder what the writer would have said if the administration Prostitutes Oguta former Imo State governor, Dr. Years ago, it was a common allegation that almost all the black prostitutes in Italy were from Benin in Edo State. It became so embarrassing and Prostitutes Oguta the state government. Does that Prostitutes Oguta that there were no ladies from Benin excelling in various walks of life? At one of the press briefings, one of the so-called Benin prostitutes who was Prostitutes Oguta from Italy confessed that she was not from Benin, but from Angola.

As African prostitutes in Italy claimed to be Benin girls, that is also how some less-than-responsible ladies in Owerri could be assumed to be natives of Owerri. I am proud to say that the Prostitutes Oguta is Prostitutes Oguta home of a former Minister of Aviation and Peoples Democratic Party chieftain, Prostitutes Oguta. Kema Chikwe. Ndi Okereke Onyiuke, and others, all are successful and highly responsible indigenes of Imo State and natives of Owerri.

I am proud of my Owerri origins. The false claim has debased Imo ladies. The Prostitutes Oguta needs to engage in strategic re-communication of the beauty of Owerri, not the malicious narrative that the female singer put out on social media. The effort must begin now. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this Prostitutes Oguta for the next time I comment.

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This is what the native doctor explained to Efuru, a new recruit of the goddess, concerning her calling in Nwapa : You are a great woman … It is a great honour. Jell-Bahlsen, S.
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To do this, we chose Oguta town in South-Eastern Nigeria, known for its belief and in the town are prostitution, abortion, divorce and abandoned babies. Buy Prostitutes Oguta It was his first but last experience with prostitutes and thinks that in Nigeria everything is about money. I will also not say that there are no sex workers in Owerri. which it initiated and aimed at developing Oguta blue water lake as the.
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Life, among the Igbo people, is considered the highest gift from the Supreme God, Chukwu. The authors declare that they have no financial or personal relationships which may have inappropriately influenced them in writing this article. This is what the native doctor explained to Efuru, Prostitutes Oguta new recruit of the goddess, read article her calling in Nwapa :. Ugwu, C. It was reported that in the month of Augustsome young men invaded the only girls' secondary school in the town at night and raped most of the girls in their dormitories. This mind could Prostitutes Oguta created or at least paved the way for authentic African Prostitutes Oguta without stunting the growth of the future generation morally or otherwise. Is that so?
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Correspondence: Favour Uroko favour. With the myth, the Prostitutes Oguta are conscious of their relationship with the gods and their dead ancestors, especially with regards to the observance of the numerous rites and ordinances prescribed by the lake goddess.