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The History of Prostitution: Its Extent, Causes and Effects Throughout the World

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It was in this metropolis of prostitution that Lais commenced business. The last divorced his wife in order to marry her, and was accused of allowing her to govern Athens, then at the height of its Prostitutes Sanger and prosperity.

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Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust. While these resorts are secret, there is every facility for such infamous conduct, with but slight probability of its detection, and still slighter opportunities for prevention. Thither, too, young men, and even boys, are inveigled Prostitutes Sanger those who have grown old in vice, and there are they taught the horrid mysteries of unhallowed passion. Many a promising youth has left such haunts as these not Prostitutes Sanger with a ruined constitution, but with loss of character and honor; many whose names swell the Prostitutes Sanger records of the day date their first step in crime from Prostitutes Sanger hour they entered a common brothel.

Again: Public safety demands this investigation because of the superior opportunities it will afford to reformatory measures.

Start not at the supposition of reforming courtesans. There is hope even for them, for they are human beings, though depraved. Their hearts throb with the same sympathies that move the more favored of their sex. Their minds are susceptible to Prostitutes Sanger same emotions as those of other females. Few of them become vile from natural instincts: poor victims of circumstances, many of them would gladly amend if the proper means were used at the proper time.

This consummation can be achieved only when the pseudo-virtue of the world shall yield to true benevolence, and charity be in deed what it professes in name. If public safety is thus urgent, private interest also has arguments in favor of investigating prostitution. No one need be [Pg 24] told that public aid Prostitutes Sanger required to give medical Prostitutes Sanger to the unfortunate men and women tainted by this vice; nor need any one be assured that such aid, administered with Prostitutes Sanger regard to economy, requires yearly a large portion of the taxes paid by individuals.

It would be sheer folly to assert that any measures which can follow this inquiry will be efficacious in eradicating syphilis, but experience proves that an effective supervision would materially abate its influence, render it curable in a much shorter space of Prostitutes Sanger, and reduce the expenses for each patient in a corresponding ratio.

Another large claim upon the public funds arises from the necessity of employing an extensive judicial and police organization to deal with the crime and the criminals generated and fostered in houses of ill fame.

Nests of vice as they are now in their darkness and seclusion, it would be impossible to suppose a more fitting nursery for Prostitutes Sanger, or one whence more criminals would emanate. As with disease, so with crime. It can not be suppressed by placing its retreats under public notice, but it can be watched, and, once brought to the light of day, half its dangers and difficulties become surmountable. Finally, private interest demands this investigation on mere private grounds—the individual and personal expenses caused by diseases contracted by debauchery.

Prostitutes Sanger is the money a working man must pay for his cure: this is his share of the loss. There is the deprivation of comforts and necessaries experienced by his family and dependents: this is their penalty. Society is thus involved in a general loss on account of an act of folly, or passion, or crime call it which you pleasecommitted in a concealed and secret haunt, and such loss could be saved by the intervention of proper means.

Common sense asks for a full investigation of all the Prostitutes Sanger attending prostitution. In the every-day affairs of Prostitutes Sanger, any man who feels the pressure of a particular evil looks at once for its cause.

He may be neither a philosopher nor a logician, and may never have heard of or read any of the luminous treatises which professedly simplify science, yet he knows very well that for every effect there must be some adequate cause, and for this he generally searches diligently till he can find and remove it. But here, in the city of New York, is a population who claim to be as [Pg 25] intelligent as any on the Western continent, Prostitutes Sanger have been for years suffering from the effects of a vice in purse and person; who have paid and are paying every year large sums of money on account of it; who witness every day some broken constitution Prostitutes Sanger ruined character resulting from it, and who yet have never thought of seeking out the cause!

Is it now too late to enlist your sympathies in Prostitutes Sanger undertaking?

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Hence we conclude that propriety, expediency, public safety, private interest, and common sense Prostitutes Sanger an investigation like this now submitted to the reader. And what is the argument brought forward to oppose it? Will it stand the test of comparison with any one of them, much less of all?

Is not its Prostitutes Sanger lost when its real character is known?

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The reckless carelessness which has suffered a growing Prostitutes Sanger to increase and multiply, which has permitted a deadly Upas-tree to take root and blossom in the community until its poisonous exhalations threaten universal infection; which has, by its actual Prostitutes Sanger, fostered vice, promoted seduction, perpetuated disease, and entailed death; shall this deformed weakness now raise its trembling Prostitutes Sanger, and exhibit its tottering frame, and lift its puny voice to forbid an examination into the sources of the danger?

Has not the finger of this scorn too long forbid the search for truth? Has not the hour arrived when truth will speak trumpet-tongued, and when her voice must be heard? Undoubtedly it has, and in the following manner: Laws have been placed upon the statute-book declaring prostitutes, and houses Prostitutes Sanger prostitution, and all who live by such means, illegal and immoral. Prostitutes Sanger the law yet stands. At uncertain intervals some poor and friendless woman is arrested as a vagrant, and, to appease the offended majesty of law, she is sent to prison, a scapegoat for five thousand of her class.

It also sometimes happens that another woman equally guilty, but with money or influence, is arrested at the same time and for the same offense, and before she reaches the prison walls a legal quibble has been raised and she is free.

The visitor was not kept in suspense.

Is there no culpable indifference in this? Houses of prostitution are proscribed by law. How many of them are ever indicted, or, if indicted, how many are suppressed? This, too, is owing to criminal neglect, and it is aggravated by the [Pg 26] injurious effects arising Prostitutes Sanger the mere circumstance of allowing a law to exist, and making no efforts to enforce it.

The character of a people is judged, not by the laws that are made, but by the strictness with which those that do exist are enforced and observed. In regard to the first, there may be exhibited an acute perception of an existing evil, and a desire to reform it by legislation; but a second glance may reveal no wish to make this legislation effective.

There are yet other cases of culpable indifference. These same proscribed houses of prostitution Prostitutes Sanger suffered to exist uncontrolled, and to spread disease and increase crime and vagrancy in all parts of the city. It has been generally conceded that they can not be suppressed. What effort has been made to hold in check their baneful influence?

None—literally none. The statesman has looked Prostitutes Sanger appalled at an evil of whose magnitude he could form no correct idea; the clergyman has hesitated to encounter those who he judged would not respectfully receive his admonitions; the masses Prostitutes Sanger society have shrunk from considering a subject which was repugnant and distasteful.

Is there no guilty indifference in this? There can be but one answer to this query; but one opinion Prostitutes Sanger to the share this general apathy has had in fostering the evil. To substitute for this apathy a healthy action is the object of this investigation. It is but the means to an end. In themselves, as mere matters of information, the facts and deductions presented in the following pages can do nothing but demonstrate the necessity of exertion; but of this necessity they do afford overwhelming demonstration.

Thus Prostitutes Sanger for the general arguments as to the necessity of a work of this nature. There are other special and local causes which led to its accomplishment in the present form. The present members of the Board are the following well-known citizens: [1]. Godfrey GuntherEsq. Isaac J. OliverEsq. Washington Smith, Esq. Anderson, Esq. Prostitutes Sanger Townsend, Esq. Daniel F. Tiemann, Esq. Joseph S. Taylor, Esq. Moloney, Esq. Benjamin F. Pinckney, Prostitutes Sanger. At the time these investigations commenced two other prominent men were also members of the organization, Hon.

Edward C. West now Surrogate of the city and Simeon Draper, Esq. Both of these gentlemen had served as President of the Board of Governors with honor to themselves and satisfaction to their colleagues and Prostitutes Sanger public; both took a lively interest Prostitutes Sanger the projected inquiry, and to both am I indebted for much valuable Prostitutes Sanger.

The act establishing the Board of Governors assigned Prostitutes Sanger them, with their other duties, the medical care of all persons who had contracted infectious diseases in the practice of debauchery, and who required charitable aid to restore them to health.

Individual members had held this opinion for some time before any official action was taken, and foremost among Prostitutes Sanger was Governor Isaac Townsend. This gentleman was one of the originally appointed Governors, and has been connected with the Board by re-election ever since—a circumstance which made Prostitutes Sanger perfectly acquainted with all the workings of the present system, and to him the public is indebted Prostitutes Sanger the conception of this undertaking.

For years has Prostitutes Sanger labored to bring about this result, with an indomitable [Pg 28] energy and perseverance equaled only by his known benevolence and honesty of purpose. No official action was taken until the commencement of the year At that time Mr. Townsend was President Prostitutes Sanger the Board, and one of his first acts in that capacity was to submit a list of interrogatories on the subject, which were adopted and transmitted to me.

I Prostitutes Sanger them from the Minutes of the Board:. Do not patients in the different institutions, particularly in the Penitentiary Hospital, often leave before the disease is cured, so that they are liable to infect other persons after their departure?

Are not the offspring of parents affected with constitutional syphilis subject to many diseases of like character, which cause them to become a charge upon the city for long periods of time, and often for life? What are your views Prostitutes Sanger reference to the best means of Prostitutes Sanger and decreasing Prostitutes Sanger disease, and what plan, in Prostitutes Sanger opinion, could be adopted to relieve New York City of the enormous amount of misery and expense caused by syphilis?

This idea was communicated to President Townsend, who joined me in appreciating the necessity of such a Prostitutes Sanger. He also was Prostitutes Sanger means Prostitutes Sanger interesting Mayor Wood and other Prostitutes Sanger of the city in the investigation as subsequently carried on, while his continued exertions and earnest support aided me Prostitutes Sanger in the prosecution of the labor, and merit my most sincere and grateful acknowledgments.

A report of this kind from Prostitutes Sanger department would have been looked upon by the public at large as containing the history of nearly all the prostitution in the city, and particularly would a majority of the public have believed that nineteen twentieths of the disease resulting from prostitution found its home here.

Such is not the fact. Great as is Prostitutes Sanger number of prostitutes annually sent here, and enormous as is the number of cases of venereal disease yearly treated Prostitutes Sanger, yet these compose but a small fraction of the sum total actually existing in this city.

There are but few more prostitutes on the island than are to be found on Prostitutes Sanger same number of acres in certain portions Prostitutes Sanger the city; and as for the venereal disease, why, gentlemen, the island has the advantage.

It is the least dangerous locality. It would have been merely doing what has been done before, and would have yielded no additional information for your guidance. But it appeared to Prostitutes Sanger that the time had come when your attention might be solicited to the various facts attending the aggregate prostitution of the city; for, despite all our prohibitory laws, it is a fact which can not be questioned or denied that this vice is attaining Prostitutes Sanger position and extent in this community which can not be viewed without Prostitutes Sanger.

It has more than kept pace with the growth of our city. Unlike the vice of a few years Prostitutes Sanger, it no longer confines itself to secrecy and darkness, but boldly strides through our most thronged and elegant thoroughfares, and Prostitutes Sanger, in the broad light of the sun, it jostles the pure, Prostitutes Sanger virtuous, and the good. It is in your [Pg 30] gay streets, and in your quiet, home-like streets; it is in your squares, and in your suburban retreats and summer resorts; it is in your theatres, your opera, your hotels; Prostitutes Sanger, it is even intruding itself into the private circles, and slowly but steadily extending its poison, known but to few, and entirely unsuspected by the majority of our citizens.

The whole machinery of the law has been turned against these females without success; its only result having been a resolve, on their part, to confront society with the charge of harsh, cruel, and unjust treatment. From the bold and reformatory stand which his honor Mayor Prostitutes Sanger had taken in regard to many matters connected with our city government, it was believed that he would render his assistance if convinced of the propriety and prospective usefulness of the investigation, and the result of an application by President Isaac Townsend to his honor fully Prostitutes Sanger the correctness of this supposition.

He was found not only willing to aid in this Prostitutes Sanger work, but fully alive to its necessity and importance. The plan adopted to forward the inquiry was to take a census of the city, so far as regards prostitution, including the number of houses of prostitution; the number of prostitutes; the causes which led them to become such; their ages, habits, birth-places, early history, education, religious instruction, occupation, etc.

Matsell, Esq. This, of course, will be done without individual exposure, nor will the report, when completed, assume the form of a guide-book by which persons can find houses of ill fame. I am desirous of obtaining the aggregate facts of the vice, and shall be cautious to take no steps toward gratifying a prurient curiosity or lacerating a rankling wound.

Neither would it be consistent with this stage of the inquiry to enter into any discussion as to [Pg 31] the plans that could be adopted in mitigation of the vice; for although prohibitory measures have failed to suppress, or even check it, yet, until its full extent Prostitutes Sanger known, I do not imagine that you would deem it prudent to attempt to grapple a monster whose strength was not fully ascertained.

To aid the police officers in the duty of taking the census alluded to above, Prostitutes Sanger schedule of questions was Prostitutes Sanger. The mayor, the district attorney, the chief of police, and the captains of the several districts, willingly and zealously co-operated with Governor Townsend and myself, and every possible exertion was used to obtain accurate and extensive information.

It became my duty to assist the officers in the execution of their task, and I am thus enabled to speak with certainty as to the authenticity of the statistics given, which were Prostitutes Sanger collected under my own observation. I gladly avail myself of the present opportunity to record my obligations for services rendered by his honor Fernando Wood, Mayor of the city of New York; George W. The Continent of Europe presented a field for this inquiry, and Prostitutes Sanger it I turned for the information required, which is given in the various chapters devoted to the Prostitutes Sanger countries in such a form as to show the measures which have been taken, the effect, and the causes which led to legislative interference, contrasted with those other parts of the world where, as yet, no remedial plans have been tried, notwithstanding the necessity which calls for them.

The reader is now in possession of the facts which led to this inquiry.

Find The History Of Prostitution by Sanger, William W at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. New York City aldermen commissioned Dr. William W. Sanger to examine the subject in depth. His History of Prostitution is perhaps the most detailed, sympathetic.

Is it too much to ask his Prostitutes Sanger to the analysis and exhibition of prostitution as it is at the present time, he being Prostitutes Sanger assured that no assertions will be made that are not supported by good authority, nor any conclusions drawn from doubtful premises? So far as New York alone is concerned, the evil is known to a large portion of her citizens, although its ramifications are but very imperfectly understood; and the endeavor will be to present all possible information on the matter, and to give a truthful, unexaggerated picture of the depravity.

Disagreeable as this must be from the nature of the task, it is hopeful from a belief that the result Prostitutes Sanger tend to public good. One Prostitutes Sanger the most painfully interesting branches of the inquiry is that relating to the ages of the unfortunate women.

Therein are also included many who were deprived by death of their natural protectors, and who, thus left unwatched and uncared for, have fallen before the destroyer ere yet the age of womanhood was reached. The places of their birth form an Prostitutes Sanger subject Prostitutes Sanger [Pg 33] consideration.

In this land the frigid North and sunny South, Prostitutes Sanger busy East Prostitutes Sanger fertile West have each contributed their quota, while foreign countries have sent large numbers to swell the mournful aggregate.

A Prostitutes Sanger allusion to these wrongs is sickening; but, while the gangrene of prostitution is rapidly extending through society, it becomes an imperative duty to examine its causes completely and impartially. Another prolific source of female depravity will be exhibited by the several tables showing the description of employment pursued, and the wages received by women previous to their fall, and it will be a question for the political economist to decide how far mere business considerations should be an apology on the part of employers for a reduction in their rates Prostitutes Sanger remuneration, and whether the saving of a small percentage on wages is not more than counterbalanced by the enormous amount of taxation enforced on the public at large to Prostitutes Sanger the expenses incurred on account of a system of vice which is the direct result, Prostitutes Sanger many cases, of insufficient compensation for honest labor.

In conclusion, it must not be assumed that the information collected from two thousand women in New York City relates to all the prostitutes therein.

She was not allowed to be present at the games or the theatres; she was bound, when she appeared in public, to be veiled, and to hasten whither she was going without delay; she received no education, and could not share the elevated thoughts or ideas of her husband; she had no right to claim any warmth of affection from him, though he possessed entire control over her.

The many difficulties surrounding the investigation, and especially the secrecy to which prohibitory laws have driven this class of persons, rendered Prostitutes Sanger task impossible; but, from the best information that could be obtained of those whose knowledge of the vice was derived from actual experience, it is imagined that the replies represent about two fifths of the [Pg 34] total number.

They unquestionably exhibit an appalling amount of depravity and consequent wretchedness, with but very few redeeming features, and present mournful subjects for reflection to all classes, with forcible arguments for remedial measures. Without this end in prospect it would have been scarcely justifiable, at least in a moral point of view, to institute this inquiry or make these disclosures; but it certainly Prostitutes Sanger be reasonably inferred that many will feel sufficient interest in the advance of virtue to aid in the mitigation Prostitutes Sanger this enormous vice which threatens all social relations; which has already introduced physical suffering into so many families; and the influence of which, Prostitutes Sanger in a direct ratio to its existence, will very probably extend its Prostitutes Sanger poison, mental and bodily, into all ranks and classes of the community.

The necessity for action is apparent, but its successful consummation must rest with the public at large, who have the bane exhibited before them in its actual power, and the necessity of an antidote demonstrated from positive Prostitutes Sanger, and not deduced from a mere arbitrary theory. If some antidote be applied, even though a partial one, it will be a satisfaction to reflect that the investigations have not been profitless, nor the labor in vain.

Prostitution coeval with Prostitutes Sanger. Our earliest acquaintance with the human race discloses some sort of society established. It also reveals the existence Prostitutes Sanger a marriage tie, varying in stringency and incidental effects according to climate, morals, religion, or accident, but every where essentially subversive of a system of promiscuous Prostitutes Sanger.

No nation, it is believed, has ever been reported by a trustworthy traveler, on sufficient evidence, to have held its women generally in common. Still there appear to have been in every age men who did not avail themselves of the marriage covenant, or who could not be bound by its stipulations, and their appetites created a demand for illegitimate pleasures, which female weakness supplied. This may be assumed to be the real origin of prostitution throughout the world, though in particular localities this first cause has been assisted by female avarice or passion, religious superstition, or a mistaken sense of hospitality.

Accordingly, prostitution is coeval with society. It Prostitutes Sanger the earliest mythological records. It is constantly assumed as an existing fact in Biblical history. We can trace it from the earliest twilight in which history dawns Prostitutes Sanger the clear daylight of to-day, without a pause or a moment of obscurity. Our most ancient historical record is believed to be the Books of Moses.

According to them, it must be admitted that prostitutes were common among the Jews in the eighteenth Prostitutes Sanger [Pg 36] before Christ. When Judah saw her he thought her a harlot, for she had Prostitutes Sanger her face. It is the more valuable, as it furnishes the particulars of the transaction.

To keep up her disguise, Prostitutes Sanger demands a kid as her recompense. Four centuries afterward it fell to the lot of Moses to legislate on the Jewish morals, no doubt sadly corrupted by their sojourn in Egypt. There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel. Adultery and rape he punished with death. The bride Prostitutes Sanger bound, under pain of death by stoning, to prove to the satisfaction not only of her husband, but of the tribe, that she had been chaste to the day of her marriage.

Furthermore, Moses endeavored, with marked zeal, Prostitutes Sanger check the [Pg 37] progress of disease among both sexes. Whether the maladies mentioned in Leviticus [12] were syphilitic in their nature, it were difficult to say.


So earnest was his desire to eradicate the evil from the people, that he extended his prohibition to women during the period of their menstrual visitation. Having done this much for the Jews, Prostitutes Sanger appears to have connived at the intercourse of their young men with foreign prostitutes. Prostitutes Sanger took an Ethiopian concubine himself. Syrian women, Moabites, Midianites, and other neighbors of the Jews—many of them, as Prostitutes Sanger appears, young and lovely, but with debauched and vicious principles—established themselves as prostitutes in the land of Israel.

For many years, until the time of Solomon, they were excluded from Jerusalem and the large cities. Driven to the highways for refuge, they lived in booths and tents, where they combined the trade of a peddler with the calling of a harlot. Unlike Tamar, they did not Prostitutes Sanger the face. Reclining within the tent, with no more clothing than the heat of the climate suggested, these dissolute girls invited the complaisance of passengers who stopped Prostitutes Sanger refresh Prostitutes Sanger thirst or replenish their wardrobe at their booth.

So long as their practices Prostitutes Sanger no law of nature, the prudent legislator pursued a tolerant policy. Nor was the worship of Baal less revolting. He too had his statues, in forms eminently calculated to excite the animal passions, and surrounded by cool groves in which the most shameless prostitution was carried on [Pg 38] by all who would deposit an offering on the altars of the idol.

It would even seem, from several passages Prostitutes Sanger the Bible, [13] that the participators in these infamies were not Prostitutes Sanger human beings. Against such enormities the wrath of Moses and his successors was aroused, on hygienic as well as moral and religious grounds. Participation in the rites of Moloch was punished with death. An express command forbade the establishment of groves near the Jewish temples, evidently on account of the convenience such shady retreats afforded to prostitutes.

Yet on various occasions in the history of Israel we find accounts of the destruction of such groves, and of the statues of the gods in whose honor human nature was defiled. They multiplied so fast that the prophets speak of them wandering on all the hills, and prostituting themselves under every tree, and at a later date they even invaded the Temple, and established their hideous rites in its courts. That noble edifice had become, in the time of Maccabees, a mere brothel plenum scortantium cum meretricibus.

It is, however, apparent, notwithstanding the severe ordinances of the Jewish legislators, that prostitutes were a recognized class, laboring under no hopeless ban.

Jephtha, the son of a prostitute, became Prostitutes Sanger the less chief of Israel; and some commentators have contended Prostitutes Sanger the retreat to which he condemned his daughter was simply the calling of her grandmother. Samson chose the house of a harlot to be his residence at Gaza; Prostitutes Sanger fatal acquaintance with another harlot, Delilah, is the leading trait of his story.

Even Solomon did not disdain to hear the [Pg 39] rival wranglings of a pair of harlots, and to adjudicate between them. Prostitutes Sanger the manner in which it was carried on, an idea may be formed from the very vivid picture in Proverbs: [17].

She is loud and stubborn; Her feet abide not in her house: Now Prostitutes Sanger is without, now in the streets, And lieth in wait at every corner. So she caught him, and kissed him, And with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace-offerings with me; This day have I paid my vows.

Therefore came I forth to meet thee, Diligently to seek thy face, And I have Prostitutes Sanger thee. Prostitutes Sanger have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, With carved works, with Prostitutes Sanger of Egypt.

I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, Aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: Let us solace ourselves with loves. He goeth after her straightway, As an ox goeth to the slaughter, Or as a fool to the correction of the stocks.

That prostitution continued to be practiced generally and openly until the destruction of the old Jewish nation, the language of the Biblical prophets does not permit us to doubt. It may be [Pg 40] questioned whether it ever assumed more revoltingly public forms in any other country. The Babylonish conquest must have changed the Prostitutes Sanger, without altering the performance.

At Babylon, the Jewish maidens, whose large, expressive eyes, voluptuous mouth, slender and graceful figure, with well-developed bust and limbs, were frequently the theme of ancient poets, peopled the houses of prostitution, and ministered to the lusts of the nobles.

Nor even after the return to Jerusalem was the evil extirpated. Egyptian Courtesans. Before passing to the subject of prostitution in Greece, a glance at Egypt, and those nations of Asia which seem to have preceded Greece in civilization, may not be out of place.

Egypt was famous for her courtesans before the time of Herodotus. Egyptian blood runs warm; girls are nubile at ten. Under the Pharaohs, if ancient writers are to be believed, there existed Prostitutes Sanger general laxity of moral principle, especially among young females. The deities Isis and Osiris were the types of the sexes.

A statue of the latter, a male image, made of gold, was carried by the maidens at festivals, and worshiped by the whole people. Nor were the rites of Prostitutes Sanger more modest. A frantic contest then begins between the women of the city and those in the boats, each Prostitutes Sanger the other in Prostitutes Sanger most opprobrious language, and the Prostitutes Sanger in the boats conclude the performance by lascivious dances, in the most undisguised manner, in sight of the people, and to the sound of flutes Prostitutes Sanger other musical instruments.

Herodotus [Pg 41] remarks significantly that a law in Egypt forbade sexual intercourse within the walls of a temple, and exacted of both sexes that intercourse should be followed by ablution before the temple was Prostitutes Sanger.

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Where piety required such sacrifices, it is not surprising that public Prostitutes Sanger were loose. Such was the astonishing appetite of the men, that young and beautiful women were never delivered to the embalmer until they had been dead some days, a miserable wretch having been detected in the act of defiling a recently-deceased virgin! The city of Naucratis owed its wealth and fame to the beauty of its courtesans, whose reputation spread throughout Europe, Prostitutes Sanger was much celebrated in Greece.

Rhadopis, a Thracian by birth, led the life of a prostitute in Egypt with such success, that she not only bought her own freedom from the slave-dealer who had taken her there on speculation, but, if the Egyptians are to be believed, built a pyramid with her savings.

A large portion of her story is doubtless Prostitutes Sanger, but enough remains to warrant the opinion that she was, though a prostitute, a wealthy and highly considered person. They were constantly filled with women with strings bound round their hair. Once inside the place, no woman could leave it until she had Prostitutes Sanger her debt, and had deposited on the altar of the goddess the fee received from her lover.

Some, who were plain, remained there as long as three years; but, as the grounds were always filled with a troop of voluptuaries in search of pleasure, the young, the beautiful, the high-born seldom needed to remain over a few minutes. This strange custom is mentioned by the prophet Baruch, who introduces one of the women reproaching her neighbor that she had not been deemed worthy of having her girdle of cord burst asunder by any man.

At the time of Alexander the Great Prostitutes Sanger demoralization Prostitutes Sanger reached a climax. Babylonian banquets were scenes of unheard-of infamies. When the meal began, the women sat modestly enough in presence of their fathers and husbands; but, as the wine went round, they lost all restraint, threw off one garment after another, and enacted scenes of glaring immodesty. And these were the ladies of the best families. Nothing was changed but the name; the voluptuous rites were identical.

Commercial interest, no doubt, had some share in promoting Prostitutes Sanger scandalous a custom. Originally the sum paid by the lover was Prostitutes Sanger to the goddess, but latterly the girls kept it, and it served to enhance their value in the matrimonial Prostitutes Sanger.

In some places the girl was free if she chose to abandon her hair to the goddess, but Prostitutes Sanger notes that this was an uncommonly rare occurrence. Very similar were the customs of the Lydians and their successors in empire, the early Persians. Their Venus was named Mithra, in honor of whom festivals were given at which human Prostitutes Sanger was horribly outraged.

Fathers and daughters, sons and mothers, husbands and wives sat together at the table, while voluptuous dances and music inflamed their senses, and when the wine had done its work, a promiscuous combat of sensuality began which lasted all night. Details of such scenes must be left to other works, and veiled in a learned tongue.

The Greek mythology Prostitutes Sanger obviously a relaxed state of public morals. What period in the history of the nation it may be assumed to reflect is, however, by no means certain.

It is not reasonable to suppose that the Homeric poems Prostitutes Sanger composed for immodest audiences, and it would perhaps be fairer to lay the blame of the mythological indecencies at the door of the age which polished and improved upon them, rather than of that which is entitled to the credit of their conception in the rough.

Our first reliable information regarding the morals of the Greek women, passing over, for the present, the legislation ascribed to Lycurgus, is found in the ordinances of Solon. Draco is supposed to have affixed the penalty of death indiscriminately to rape, seduction, and adultery.

It has been conjectured that the safety-valve Prostitutes Sanger at that time, ordinary prostitution being unknown, was a system of religious prostitution in the temples, borrowed from and analogous to the Prostitutes Sanger already described. This, however, is mere conjecture. Solon, while softening the rigors of the Draconian code, by law formally established houses of prostitution at Athens, and filled them with female slaves.

They were called Dicteriaand the female tenants Dicteriades. Bought with the public money, and bound by law to satisfy Prostitutes Sanger demands of all who visited them, they were in fact public servants, and their wretched gains were a legitimate source of revenue to the state.

The fee charged, however, appears to have been small. They were not allowed to Prostitutes Sanger in religious ceremonies or to enter the temples. When they appeared in the streets they were obliged to wear a particular costume as a badge of infamy. They forfeited what Prostitutes Sanger of citizenship Prostitutes Sanger may have possessed in virtue of their birth.

The History of Prostitution: Sanger, William W.: Books

A procurer or procuress who had been instrumental in introducing a free-born Athenian girl to the Dicterion incurred the penalty of death. Nor was the law content with branding with infamy prostitutes and their accomplices alone. Their children were bastards; that is to say, they could not inherit property, they could Prostitutes Sanger associate with other youths, they could not acquire the right of citizenship without performing some signal act of bravery, they could not address the Prostitutes Sanger in the public assemblies.

Finally, to complete their ignominy, they were exempt from the sacred duty of maintaining their parents in old age. These regulations, for which Solon obtained the praise of Athenian philosophers, [28] were Prostitutes Sanger long maintained in force.

Still, notwithstanding this falling off, it would appear that Athens was more moral than her neighbors, Corinth and Sparta. The former, then the most flourishing sea-port of Greece, was filled with a very low class of prostitutes. No laws regulated the subject. Any female who chose could open house for the accommodation of travelers and seamen, and, though Corinth was yet far [Pg 45] from the proverbial celebrity it afterward obtained for its prostitutes, there is no doubt they bore Prostitutes Sanger fearful proportion to the aggregate population of the port.

At Sparta Prostitutes Sanger case was Prostitutes Sanger. In the system of legislation which bears the name of Lycurgus, the individual was sacrificed to the state; the Prostitutes Sanger to the male. Women were educated for the sole purpose of bearing robust children. Virgins were allowed to wrestle publicly with men. Girls were habited in a robe open at the skirts, which only Prostitutes Sanger concealed the person in walking, whence the Spartan women acquired an uncomplimentary name.

That these laws, the skillfully contrived appeals to the sensual appetites, and the constant spectacle of nude charms, must have led to a general profligacy among the female sex, is quite obvious. Aristotle affirms positively that the Spartan women openly committed the grossest acts of debauchery. After the Persian wars, the subject of Athenian prostitution is revealed in a clearer light.

It has been imagined, from certain Prostitutes Sanger passages in Greek authors, that the courtesans formed several corporations, each of which was responsible for the acts of all its members. They were liable to vexatious prosecutions for such acts as inciting men to commit crime, ruining thoughtless youths, fomenting treason against the state, or committing impiety.

Prostitutes Sanger such charges it was rarely possible to establish a sound defense. If the accuser was positive, the Areopagus, notoriously biased against courtesans, unhesitatingly condemned the culprit to death, or imposed on her corporation a heavy fine. In this way, says an old author, the state frequently contrived to get back from these women the money they obtained from their lovers.

Before the Prostitutes Sanger case of Phryne, they were wholly at the mercy of their profligate associates. A man only needed Prostitutes Sanger threaten an accusation of impiety or the like to obtain a receipt in full. Phryne, so long the favorite of the Athenians, was thus accused of various vague offenses by a common informer named Euthias. Her friend Bacchis fortunately persuaded Hyperides, the orator, to undertake her case, and Prostitutes Sanger softened the judges by exhibiting her [Pg 46] marvelous beauty in a moment of affected passion.

At this time, that is to say, at the Prostitutes Sanger of Athenian prosperity, there were four classes of women who led dissolute lives at Athens. Next came the Auletridesor flute-players, who were dancers as well. They were usually foreigners, bearing some resemblance to the opera-dancers of the last century, and they combined the most unblushing debauchery with their special Prostitutes Sanger.

The lowest class of prostitutes were the Dicteriadesalready mentioned. Lastly came the Concubineswho were slaves owned by rich men with the knowledge and consent of their wives, serving equally the passions of Prostitutes Sanger master and the caprices of their mistress. These all paid a tax to the state, called Pornikon Teloswhich Prostitutes Sanger farmed out to speculators, who levied it with proverbial harshness upon the Prostitutes Sanger women.

In the time of Pericles the revenue from this source was Prostitutes Sanger. All classes, too, wore garments of many colors. Thenceforth the custom, which appears to have been general throughout the Greek cities and colonies, prescribed cheap robes, with flowers or stripes of many colors embroidered or painted on them.

To this a part of the women added garlands of roses. It was lawful in some cities Prostitutes Sanger courtesans to wear light, transparent garments; but at Sparta, as may be imagined, the reverse was the rule, semi-nudity being the badge of virtuous women.

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Perhaps the most singular of the Prostitutes Sanger by which a Greek courtesan was known was Prostitutes Sanger hair. It is said that no law prescribed Prostitutes Sanger habit; if so, it must have been a sort of esprit de corps which [Pg 47] Prostitutes Sanger all courtesans to Prostitutes Sanger their hair of a flaxen or blonde color. Allusions to this custom abound in the light literature of Greece. Frequently a flaxen wig was substituted for the dyed locks.

At a very late period in the history of Greece, modest women followed Prostitutes Sanger fashion of sporting golden hair. This forms one Prostitutes Sanger the subjects of reprimand addressed to the women of Greece by the early Prostitutes Sanger preachers. This class approaches more nearly than any other to the prostitutes Prostitutes Sanger our day, the main difference being that the former were bound by law to prostitute themselves when required to do so, on the payment of the fixed sum, and that they were not allowed to leave the state.

An open square in front of the citadel was their usual haunt. It was surrounded with booths, where petty trade or gambling was carried on by day. At nightfall the prostitutes swarmed into the square. Some were noisy and obscene; others quiet, and armed with affected modesty. When a man passed on his way from the port to the city, the troop assailed him.

If he resisted, coarse abuse was lavished on him. If he yielded, there was the temple of Venus the Courtesan close by, and there was the wall of Themistocles, under the friendly shelter of either of which the bargain could be consummated.

Were the customer nice, the great dicterion was not far distant, and a score or more of smaller rivals were even nearer at hand, as a well-known sign was there to testify.

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The Dicteria were under the control of the municipal police. The door was open night and day, a bright curtain protecting Prostitutes Sanger inmates from the eye of the passer-by; and in the better class Prostitutes Sanger establishments, a fierce dog, chained in the vestibule, served as sentinel.

At the curtain sat Prostitutes Sanger old woman, often a Thessalian and a pretended Prostitutes Sanger, who received the money before admitting visitors.

Originally the fee was an obolus [35] —about three cents; but this attempt to regulate the value of a variable merchandise was soon abandoned. Within, at night, the sounds of music, revelry, and dancing might be constantly heard. The visitor was not kept in suspense.

The curtain passed, he was in full view of Prostitutes Sanger dicteriades, standing, sitting, or lying about the room; some [Pg 48] engaged in smoothing their blonde hair, some in conversation, some anointing themselves with perfumery.

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Prostitutes Sanger legal principle with regard to Prostitutes Sanger dicteriades appears to have been that they should conceal nothing; no doubt in contrast to the irregular prostitutes, of whom something will be said presently.

There was no rule, however, forbidding the wearing of garments in the dicterion, but the common practice appears to have been to dispense with them, or to wear a light scarf thrown over the person. This custom was observed by day as well as by night, and a visitor has described the girls in a large dicterion as standing in a row, in broad daylight, without any Prostitutes Sanger or covering. Prostitutes Sanger seems that in later times any speculator had a right to set up a dicterion on paying the Prostitutes Sanger to the state.

An Athenian forfeited his right of citizenship by so doing; but, as a popular establishment was very lucrative, avaricious men frequently embarked in the business under an assumed name. Comic writers have lashed these wretches severely. On Prostitutes Sanger the tax to the state Prostitutes Sanger, the Prostitutes Sangeror master of the house, acquired Prostitutes Sanger rights. The dicterion was an inviolable asylum, no husband being allowed to pursue his wife, or the wife her husband, or the creditor his debtor, within its walls.

Prostitutes Sanger decency requires, says Demosthenes, that men shall not be exposed in houses of prostitution. There appear to have been attached to these dicteria Prostitutes Sanger of prostitution, where young women were initiated into the most disgusting practices by females who had themselves acquired them in the same manner. Besides these regular dicteriades, there were at Athens, as there have been in every large city, a number of women who exercised the Prostitutes Sanger of prostitutes, without properly belonging to any of the recognized classes.

Some were native Athenians who had been seduced and abandoned, [Pg 49] and who, led by stings of conscience and idleness to pursue their career, had still an invincible repugnance to adopt the flowered robe and yellow hair Prostitutes Sanger the regular courtesan. Others were the servants of hotels and taverns, who were always expected to serve the caprices of visitors.

All of these led a most miserable life. Now and then we hear of one or two of them meeting Prostitutes Sanger rich and inexperienced traveler, after which the heroine of the exploit naturally ascended to the rank of hetaira; but, in general, Prostitutes Sanger customers were the lowest of the port people—sailors, fishermen, farm-servants.

Their price was a meal, a fish, a handful of fruit, or a bottle of wine. One poor creature, who belonged to no class in particular, but acquired some celebrity by being kept by the orator Ithatocles, was named Didrachma because she offered her favors to the public generally for two drachmas, about thirty-five cents.

Perhaps the most curious fact in reference to these prostitutes is the singular predominance of old women among them. It appears to have been adopted as an invariable rule for this sort of courtesans to paint their faces with a thick ointment, and it is even said that the great painters of Greece did not disdain to beguile their leisure hours by thus improving upon nature. An aged prostitute thus bedizened would place herself at an open window with a sprig of myrtle in her hand, with which she would beckon to people in the street.

When a customer was found, a servant would open the door and conduct him in silence to the chamber of her mistress. Before entering he paid the sum demanded, when he found himself Prostitutes Sanger a room lighted Prostitutes Sanger by a feeble glimmer passing through the curtain, which now hung down over the window. In such a twilight the Prostitutes Sanger venerable old woman could not be distinguished from a Venus. Female flute-players were a common accompaniment to an Athenian banquet.

The flute, which in modern times is played by men, was rarely seen in male hands in Greece. Though the fable ascribed its invention to the god Pan, and its development to the mythical king Midas, it was monopolized at a very early period by women, who consoled themselves for the ravages it wrought in their beauty by the power of fascination it imparted among a people intensely musical.

Flute-playing soon became an essential rite in the service of certain deities. Ceres Prostitutes Sanger invariably worshiped to the sound of the flute. And when the Athenians had once tried the experiment of listening to flute-players after dinner, they never would dine in company without them.

Thebes appears to have been the native city of the Prostitutes Sanger famous flute-players, [43] but before long the superior beauty of the Asiatic girls—Ionians and Phrygians—drove Prostitutes Sanger Theban rivals out of the field. Dancing was combined with flute-playing, and in this art the Asiatics bore the palm from the world.

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During the golden days of Greece, numbers of beautiful girls were every year imported into Athens from Miletus and the other Ionic ports in Asia Minor, just as in more modern times a similar Prostitutes Sanger was carried on between Trebizond and Constantinople. An Athenian hired his flute-players as a Prostitutes Sanger European noble hires his band.

They charged so much for their musical performances, reserving the right of accepting presents in the course of the evening. Some were singers as well as performers.

At each course a new air was played, increasing in tenderness and expression as the wine circulated. But the fair artists did not wholly rely on their music for their success. The performer danced while she Prostitutes Sanger, accompanying every note with a harmonious movement of the body.

There is no doubt these dances were in the highest degree immoral and lascivious. After the hunger [Pg Prostitutes Sanger of the venerable guests was appeased, Phrygian flute-players were introduced. They were draped in semi-transparent veils, arranged with much coquetry. At the given signal they began to play and dance, balancing themselves alternately on each foot, and gradually increasing the rapidity of their movements.

As Prostitutes Sanger performance went on, the dancers uncovered their heads, then their Prostitutes Sanger lastly, they threw the veils aside altogether, and stood before the wondering embassadors with only a short tunic around the loins. In this state they danced so indecently that the aged Arcadians, excited beyond control, forgot where they were, and rushed upon them.

The king laughed; the courtiers were shocked at such ill-breeding, but the dancers discharged the sacred duty of hospitality.

William W. Sanger's pioneering social-scientific study of prostitution, published in , blamed men for women becoming prostitutes. William Sanger's study offered a general profile of the New York City prostitute: Sanger found 74 percent in this age group, and of the prostitutes.

A flute-player who had achieved a success of this kind was enabled to conclude a lucrative bargain for other performances. Many of the most fashionable flute-players were slaves who had been brought to Greece by speculators. They were commonly sold by auction at the dinner-table, when their owner judged that the enthusiasm of the guests had attained the highest point. An anecdote is told of Prostitutes Sanger of the most esteemed names Prostitutes Sanger Greek philosophy in reference Prostitutes Sanger this strange custom.

He was dining with a party of young men, when a youthful flute-player was introduced. Piqued by the affront, the girl rose, and played and danced with inimitable grace and pruriency. At the close of the performance her owner put her up to auction, and one of the first bidders was the philosopher.

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She was adjudged to another, however, and the white-haired sage Prostitutes Sanger far forgot his principles as to engage Prostitutes Sanger a fierce conflict with the victor for the possession of the prize. As might be inferred from the character of their dances, the auletrides were capable of every infamy. Constantly breathing an atmosphere of debauchery, and accustomed to the daily spectacle of nudities, they naturally attained a pitch of amorous exaltation of which we, at the present day, can hardly form an idea.

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Prostitutes Sanger kept a cherished festival in honor of Venus Peribasia, which Prostitutes Sanger originally established by Cypselus of Corinth. At that ceremony all the great flute-players of Greece assembled to celebrate their calling. Men were not usually allowed to be present, a regulation prompted perhaps by modesty, as the judgment of Paris was renewed at the festival, and prizes were awarded Prostitutes Sanger every description of beauty. The ceremony was often mentioned as the Callipygian games; and a sketch of a scene which took place at one of these reunions, contained in a letter from a famous flute-player, justifies the appellation.

The banquet lasted from dark till dawn, with wines, perfumes, delicate viands, songs, and music. An after-scene was a dispute between two of the guests as to their respective beauty.

A Prostitutes Sanger was demanded by the company, and a long and graphic account is given of the exhibition, but modern tastes will not allow us to transcribe the Prostitutes Sanger. A knowledge of Prostitutes Sanger scandalous scenes, it may be briefly observed, Prostitutes Sanger be worse than useless, were it not that they illustrate the life of Greek courtesans; and, being performed under the sanction of religion and the law, they throw no inconsiderable light on the real character of Greek society.

Their value may be best apprehended by trying to realize what the effect would be if similar scenes Prostitutes Sanger annually in some public edifice in our large cities, under the auspices of the police, with the approval of the clergy, and with the full knowledge of the best female society. It has been suggested that these festivals were originated Prostitutes Sanger, or gave rise to, those enormous aberrations of the Greek female mind known to the ancients as Lesbian love.

Prostitutes Sanger is, no doubt, grave reason to believe something of the kind. Indeed, Lucian affirms that, while avarice prompted common pleasures, taste and feeling inclined the flute-payers toward their own sex.

On so repulsive a theme Prostitutes Sanger is unnecessary to enlarge. In the remains we have of the erotic works of the Greeks, several names are mentioned as those of successful flute-players whose gains were consumed by exacting lovers.

It does not appear that they often, or Prostitutes Sanger, married. The most famous of all the flute-players was Lamia, who, after being the delight of Alexandria and of King Ptolemy for some fifteen or twenty years, was taken with the city by Demetrius of Macedon, and raised Prostitutes Sanger the rank of his mistress.

She was forty years of age at this time, yet her skill was such that she ruled despotically her dissolute lover, Prostitutes Sanger left a memorable name in Greek history. The ancients asserted that she owed her name, Lamia, which means a sort of vampire or bloodsucker, to the most loathsome depravities.

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As early as the Augustan era, however, the baths were regarded as little better than houses of prostitution under a respectable name. It also reveals the existence of a marriage tie, varying in stringency and incidental effects according to climate, morals, religion, or accident, but every where essentially subversive of a system of promiscuous intercourse. The same rule is equally applicable to a monster vice and to an individual hardship, and upon this principle have the disclosures of the following pages been based.
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Project Gutenberg's The History of Prostitution, by William W. Sanger This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no. William Wallace Sanger was a New York City physician who wrote a “groundbreaking” study of prostitution. Contents. 1 Biography; 2 Notes; 3 References. Find The History Of Prostitution by Sanger, William W at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.
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In a word, propriety demands an exposure of all acts of improprietyand the application of the Prostitutes Sanger cure. Few care to know the secret springs from which prostitution Prostitutes Sanger few are anxious to know how wide the stream extends; few have any desire to know the devastation it causes. It became my duty to assist the officers in the execution of Prostitutes Sanger task, and I am thus enabled to speak with certainty as to the authenticity of the statistics given, which were mainly collected under my own observation.

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